I have a dream that will turn into reality. I have a dream and I would like you to close your eyes with me and hand me over your heart. I have a dream about the future and where we are going and I want you to give me your hand and your ears as I begin to describe this future and detail. I have a dream but before I tell you about my dream let me give respect to Martin Luther King. I went to touch his podium looking for a Dream and I went to seek the blessing of this man who could see the future a man who Moved hearts to March with him in Washington and to match with him across the bridges I meant to say we are finally free. I love Malcolm X more than my life but I understand Martin Luther King had a dream and his dream came true so I went to his Podium and I put my hand on his podium and I asked the king I said okay I went to have a dream about technology and about the future and I want to lead the black people of this country but I want to do it with the white
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