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Showing posts from January, 2018


I want the job to be the director of the FBI Just like any other job everybody looks at you and they go into your closet and they try to bring everything they can to discredit you and say you're not qualified. I'm going to start with my blog it's a creative process it is what I see you in Twitter it is unfiltered it is a human being at work with no curtains to make things beautiful and presented to the world. Anybody who brings up my blog on my creative process is just telling every young man and woman around the world that creativity doesn't count so I do not expect any single person to mention my blog because it's part of my creative process and creativity is brainstorming and brainstorming is something that I will explain to you if you have anymore questions. The next thing probably people would ask is my mental state how can I do all of this how can I say all of this and still be a sane individual. The answer is very simple the human bei...

I have a dream I have a dream that will turn into reality

I have a dream that will turn into reality. I have a dream and I would like you to close your eyes with me and hand me over your heart. I have a dream about the future and where we are going and I want you to give me your hand  and your ears as I begin to describe this future and detail. I have a dream but before I tell you about my dream let me give respect to Martin Luther King. I went to touch his podium looking for a Dream and I went to seek the blessing of this man who could see the future a man who Moved hearts to March with him in Washington and  to match with him across the bridges I meant to say we are finally free. I love Malcolm X more than my life but I understand Martin Luther King had a dream and his dream came true so I went to his Podium and I put my hand on his podium and I asked the king I said okay I went to have a dream about technology and about the future and I want to lead the black people of this country but I want to do it with t...


To the Imam that got away. Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wbarakatu  my dear Imam  Shaykh Abdur-Rahman  which means May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you and your family and your loved ones. I write this letter with emotions burning through the sky. I went to explain myself that I am among those two people who are struggling in the road to get to god  with character so that I might be among those who represent the messenger of God in the future. Many people do not understand that once you have done repentance you start on a new page many people choose to keep judging and keep looking at the actions of other people such as me. A lot of people do not understand and that all this project and everything was turned in secret and I requested that I remain in secret unfortunately it was made very clear to me this has nothing to do with all the beautiful projects and all the beautiful words. It was made very clear to me that the bl...


Dedicated to the most advanced country called Haiti We have a lot of haters who don't understand Haiti is the greatest country in the world they have technology that's never been used anywhere else let me prove the point Please tell me have you seen this technology anywhere else the media is focusing on what the president said is the president allowed to make a mistake? Is the president of the United State a human being? Are they covering his Martin Luther King speech where he talks about God absolutely not. We have said time and time again the media is out to get the president of the United States and this is as good as it gets let me show you what they've been focusing on. Note to self put the disgusting words that I used by reporters. Mr. president I want you to turn this issue on its head you are the most powerful man in the whole world. We're going to go into crisis management mode and I got all my ideas from a wonderfu...


TO EVERY WOMAN THAT EVER WALKED THE EARTH. Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wbarakatu May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you. I START WITH THE TEACHING OF MY BELOVED PROPHET PEACE BE UPON HIM TO EVERY WOMAN THAT EVER WALKED THE EARTH. We must kiss your feet for Paradise is under your feet of all you women. Do you know any man was giving you more Glory better than my Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him? He crowns you with an inheritance no one can ever take and he gave you a shield and no one can ever break. Starting with my mother Khadijah who sacrificed everything she got to take the place number one spot of every woman who ever lived the Earth. Her kind words and her beauty was unmatched to my beloved prophet when it descended down the mountain in turbulence with his heart and mind and you Stitch him back together with your kind words reminding him of all the good he has done and why his Lord will never we never let him go...