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Showing posts from February, 2018
 Open letter to the prime minister of Ethiopia Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe. Before I start my prayers and address the Prime Minister and everything that has to do with Utopia I want to thank President Obama for hosting the Prime Minister and his family and being a good stewardship of American politics and I hope the country will turn to Obama because he's a wise leader this is the only time I mention Obama everything else is address to the prime minister let's begin with a prayer. I prayed to God and Grant you a long healthy life and I also pray for the country that God will bless you because Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him made prayers for your country so everything will be easy for you because you have received blessing and you will receive help at the right time and the right place to always help you navigate forward no one else can explain why you are so blessed except Muslims know that you received a picture of blessing from my Prophet Muhammad peace be upon ...

My graduation but my degree explained in the prime letter Optimus Prime

Happy New Year and a look back at 2010 with gratitude and develop a vision and inspiration for 2011 as a correctional officer. First and foremost, I want to wish everyone in the CCA family happy holidays in the month of December. I wish everyone gets the best gift of all—a long healthy life. I also want to say Happy New Year to everyone and pray 2011 turns out to be the best year for all of you and your loved ones. I want to start by thanking John D. Ferguson, Chairman of the Board and the full Board of Directors who have led us with The CAA Way and who have been great examples for all of us at CAA: Donna M. Alvarado, William F. Andrews, John D. Correnti, Dennis DeConcini, John R. Horne, C. Michael Jacobi, Thurgood Marshall Jr., Charles L. Overby, John R. Prann, Jr., Joseph V. Russell and Henri L. Wedell. I personally believe that 2010 was a time for soul searching and where I see myself 10 years from now. and I truly believe I will be with CAA working my way to be the CEO of our grea...


I was rejected by artificial intelligence an algorithm but this will be the last time for me and everyone. So as entrepreneur I went ahead and documented what happened with this Innovative company that was doing what other people were doing which is looking out for number one the investor which is a very good thing but at the end of the day computers and algorithms don't get the whole picture. If you're new to the blog you probably don't know I love movies and I always use them as springboard to explain my ideas because we leaving the age of digital consumption and our brain a wire different so when I want to change the world I'm going to introduce a movie and go about doing what needs to be done so that at the end of this blog you will understand the world just changed and I outsmarted artificial intelligence and Irene arranged how finances and markets will especially while Street it is going to be very happy there going to be dancing Just Like the Wolf of ...