Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wbarakatuMay the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you.

We must kiss your feet for Paradise is under your feet of all you women.
Do you know any man was giving you more Glory better than my Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?
He crowns you with an inheritance no one can ever take and he gave you a shield and no one can ever break.
Starting with my mother Khadijah who sacrificed everything she got to take the place number one spot of every woman who ever lived the Earth.

Her kind words and her beauty was unmatched to my beloved prophet when it descended down the mountain in turbulence with his heart and mind and you Stitch him back together with your kind words reminding him of all the good he has done and why his Lord will never we never let him go mad.
You are the coolest to his eyes and the only Sun and Moon in his heart. After you were gone all it was dark and never did he forget to mention you all his life.
Always mentioning you and your friends to the point you drove everybody crazy with her name including the mother of the Believers who had no match.
The mother of a Believers chosen by Gabriel himself wrapped in a gift drop from heaven like a raindrop as white as snow and as sweet as a rose.
No woman was crowned more wisdom and Aisha on this Earth with quality questions and intelligence that was no match.
Oh messenger of God peace be upon you you made her so powerful that when you left the Earth the whole city went dark but every heart lit up better than any sun in the universe.
Ayesha's heart what's the brightest among men and women no one could deny. She taught her own classes and was a scholar and a business woman by her own right.

She even was a general and led men to a fight without permission from no man she took hundreds Into the Storm to avenge The Killing of the shyest man among them all.

She fought with every man who tried to put women back into sand biting them alive.
I can talk about the women of my Prophet peace be upon him one by one but we cannot count the stars in the sky for each one is shining and blinking with their own Beauty so we must turn the page to the to every woman alive.
To every woman alive and to every woman who has ever passed you are the vessel of life.
Starting my mother with my mother you are the ship that carried me in with me alive and wrapped me app with your love and love me with every drop.
Oh mother you never close your door every time I return from the storm. I never have to explain myself it was all written in my face.
I do not know which storms to pick and thank you for giving me shelter but I must mention a few of them that made me a man and gave me my crown that no one can ever take it away.
After completing my duties as a head of household I almost lost my head filled with ambition and wanting to be somebody you let me run into the storm Interstate called Arizona where I knew no one but I knew I could find the biggest storm.
In Arizona I found a storm and Warden ready to challenge me at every turn putting me down interning is back and giving me everything is got.
When the storm was done I decided to praise everyone who has ever hurt me or was really out to get me saying good things about them was not easy and emptying my heart we'vel kind words just to test how far I've come.
Every single person just looked at me not knowing what to say not knowing what to do because they were all in the storm with me all they could see was me dancing around and working on my heart.
They could never believe what was right in front of them which was pure love directed at them.
Now I must say thank you God When I was drowning in my tears and I feeling frustration looking for guidance and a teacher that could stand up to the pressure who can leave me out of this storm and moved my tongue when I spoke to the warden so I can just move on.
I have every intention of never leaving this storm but all of a sudden my tongue removed and it was all done what a relief it was in the face of the warden who was summoned up back to her corporate headquarters to explain what this love was all about.
He knew that we were both playing politics and he new very well that my price for him was to take complete control and dance in the storm so he's took it personal because I had handcrafting with love and he could not help maneuver me.
So thank you dear teacher I found out that you were behind asking for no credit I know explanation can ever be given four people do understand.
When I was abandoned by the millionaire refusing to give me a $3,000 settlement and the grandson of the Prophet peace be upon him Al Hussain came into town in San Jose.
It was a busy day I had to go shooting in Oakland to make him pay. I need a green screen shoot and I recorded videos just like I did for the warden in Arizona and I was going to bring the whole world was going to fall on his head. The lawsuit did not work but the Green Screen Video was going to get it done.
Fortunately with one meeting of the grandson of the Prophet peace be upon him in San Jose I came to understand what it meant to hold the prophets hand.

I took his hand and I ran to the stage and I never understood what people said about the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him that he was like a cloud when he was pulled like children. They said children would take his hand and he would just follow them everywhere like a cloud floating behind them and following them like you had no weight.
I took the hand of my teacher pulling to the stage and I took over the mic and I started blubbering all over the place and my tongue moved again making it clear who is my teacher by the end of the night almost done. I was ashamed of what I had done I ran after my teacher giving him a book in the hotel and it was clear to him I was made of Fire I had taken over the room stepped out on everyone and he knew to Give Me A Sign a ring and prayer bead to complete the night.
It was clear to me this time I moved now it moved again but this time it moved with the name of my teacher so everyone could Witness especially the grandson of the Prophet peace be upon him that I had a teacher and everyone was a notice.
After Falling Again in San Jose I came home burning again from the storm tears in my eyes and nothing to show for because the same thing as had happen again I came back empty-handed and I could not explain why are we still broke and looking at my mother's eyes telling her to open the door your son is back again with no money again with another store in his pocket and in his face.
I was no question again he was the captain of my ship she kissed me again and again and she she told me you fail only want you going to the storm all you want my love will never cease to stop I will send you back to your father and I will send you back to your wife and I would heal you again and I will never give up on you again.
So I went to see my father and I went to see my wife I wife that was more beautiful the Mona Lisa herself just wait until you put your eyes on her and you will understand what the fuss is all about.
I lost my phone in Dubai and I went around the airport and found many people who are not deserving of their job because of family ties they were killing time but they had generous hearts and I feel safe and I felt I was home again.
I spend time with my wife and elf I went to my father he looked me in the eye and said I was told I will have one we shall be a great scholar I looked at them I said who shall be that one you have so many sons how can I help with that one he laughed at me let me take you to the family of the prophet the eyes of jealousy you have picked up in your storm must be washed off.
The dedication and the love and the celebration of the birth of the Prophet peace be upon him was unmatched By Any Man I have ever seen my father read the book of his Lord night and day especially when the bank and The Cone artist took his home.
He made us read the heart of the Koran night and day we thought we might just go blind.
All we could see was a warrior who had no doubt in his storm that he would find his way out of his dorm I was watching with all my eyes wondering how we will get out of the storm and every other storm especially when there was a new dream or a story that could get us out of the storm.
My father was always in a storm there was always someone he needed to dealt with I want to knock on his ass out or to put them in their place that was even his own brother who had heard a child or hard argument with a child. The child came running to my father tell him that so and so did this in this my father put on his clothes took his stick without question when Into the Storm.
His own brother who's older than him his head was busted with a stick from my father's hand and he also made sure he put the entire family in check by this time everybody the warrior within my father had taken over and no one was going to talking back to his senses.
I saw the wound for myself when I went to Africa I kissed my ankles had and I told him you know my father has been into storms when he gets angry is blood pressure Rises and his hand goes before his words we can I change your Warrior we can only adapt to his repentance and apologies.
My uncle agreed and no cancel me wisely tell me to send help the crazy one has taken over the place his life was under threat and if I got a chance to speak to the president of the United States send me help but first make sure you're out of the storm don't bring a copy of your father back he has already injured me and I don't want to be injured with your storms I have elephantiasis I cannot walk I need medical help and I need to see Weston doctors go back and send help.
This was the best flight that I have ever been on Etihad Airways welcome me with open hands everyone on the plane was first class I felt like I was on Southwest one more time. I love songs vest There's No Sleep Numbers and there's no class you can sit anywhere you like.
This was the greatest trip of my life because I took my lease as a hand and flew back right into the states.
Everything was calculated and calibrated for the meeting was out of hand and my teacher was eagerly awaiting my return.
Like an idiot I did not understand my United still postal office job that I was working came to an end for there was a meeting at hand but I never thought I would attend.
A Loser Like Me did not get a chance to attend this Gathering in Chicago or any other time so why would I attend now little did I understand.
My friend Imam by Z and I I'm just brothers attended the meeting and on first night we overslept we thought it was no big deal when we came to the door of the hotel they were all in a festive mood but my friend said we're too late we cannot enter we should go back.
I told him this is a very good idea let's not answer we don't want to be the idiots who come late little did I understand but preparation were being made.
Anyway we showed up to the class my teacher wasn't happy one bit but what do I know I was the losing the class how is in love with my teacher and all I wanted to do is listen and see him 10 years have passed and I just attended his class and I said to myself What a Wonderful World indeed.
In this meeting all of my doubt was lifted especially when I was given news what we happened an hour or two into the future until became clear to me that I was sitting in front of the air of the Prophet peace be upon him. I was told how will one get an opening when his father is angry with him.
This is not mumbo jumbo my teacher put his hand up praying to the Lord like a satellite dish and he added those words everybody was watching.
We went on a break check my phone my dad had just left me a message he was heartbroken and he left me the most filthiest message I could find on Earth but within the message he made his despiration know.
Because of my financial difficulty and what I put my family through I did not want to call any of them I sat there depressed wondering where my support will come and I just left it to my Lord counting my depression.
So my dear friend from Seattle comes into the picture and ask me what is in your mind I said I received my order but I will not tell you what I need but I need such and such because of your financial difficulties I kind of asked you to help me.
He said don't worry about that and he told me let me please help and get the blessing of the.
I looked him straight in the eye I said I would love to tell you how much it is but you can give me whatever is easier on you because I know rent is due on you as well.
I will stand when he gave me the exact amount$300 is what I really needed I used his debit card and send money to my father and always done.
We had a long break so I had to chance to call my uncle Abdul Aziz and I asked him about the events that I wasn't going and he confirmed to my surprise that yes indeed we are shadhili.
To my surprise here I am sitting in the middle of the hotel being told that this was part of my past and where we pledge allegiance to a great teacher and we Trace all I want knowledge through him the great one we do not pick up our knowledge from books but the hearts of men.
He told me his chain of migration connect to him back to the Great Master of the Shadhili.
He had a long chain I believe it was 4 or 5 but that gives me an opportunity to go back and confirm again and tell the story again.
Long story short talk was over class was in session and I had written a letter to my teacher that I was lost and now I'm found and he looked in the glass and he said yes we are aware many I lost and we are not bringing anything new this world of ours or Circles of knowledge is nothing new your father's apart of the circles you just did not know it what a day it was.
All of a sudden like a satellite dish When teacher received information and for the first time it was extending his hand and he will be connecting everybody who wishes to give him a hand back to a circle to the Great Master of the shadili spring.
Like an idiot I was debating whether I will give you my hand but like an idiot even though everything was proven and I had no doubts I was not like the rest of the students who are smarter than me they did not wait for an invitation they were all waiting at the door with perfect manners.
I was sitting at the place trying to perfect my manners because I was told that I was going to be made that I shall go forth pyramid.
I asked my friend he must come with me oh I shall not enter I've never been there before and I have not spoken to my teacher before this was all still strange for me I looked at him and I said I thought you go in with me or I'm not going in at all.
He turned around put his head on the wall I'm dial the phone number with his heart and was connected AT&T how was it T-Mobile or is it none of your business so I don't have to explain myself yes he took out a big phone from the 80s out of his heart and he was talking to his teacher LOL why should I explain why you cannot understand yes he made a long distance phone call with Western Union LOL.
Wendy's careers we're done you told me let's go and I will go with you I was so happy I took him inside finding out what the hell is going on in here I don't trust this Sufi people I thought something weird was going to happen lol.
You can imagine the anger of my teachers face I was late but I was not introduced you to him everything was addressed in the class from my perspective where he was addressing everyone.
So no one had taken my hand i'm introduced me which is the normal introduction between human beings. So the introduction did not happen yet so like every other human being I mind my own business.
Anyway my friend and I went into the room where all the students was sitting with perfect manners. My friend the amount of Seattle sitting right next to me and my teacher started anybody who is a member of any Sufi order should leave the room now.
He clearly articulated that Sufi teachers should not have be afraid of us we do not take students who already have teachers or who have given their hand to any teachers.
A kindly requested that if you have a teacher to please leave the room.
My friend wanted to get up but I held his hand I said you're not leaving me here no way in hell he's not going to find out.
My friend sat there and my teacher repeated it over and over and over and my friend would not leave by my side I was so happy I was convinced there must be someone else in the room who had a teacher it wasn't really my friend and my friend was not going to betray me today.
All of a sudden he said if you are seeking blessing please come to me and you shall receive your blessing then you can go then I knew my friend had to leave I got up went straight to my teacher kisses his hand was giving a bunch of phone numbers 33 numbers for this number 33 numbers for that number 33 numbers honey kiss my hands teacher and off he was gone.
Yeah I was feeling ashamed how disrespectful I was what am I questioning here has an old doubt left me why do I not extend my hand full of Shame Full of Tears crying like a child I join the circle.
After announcing for the 10th time my teacher was annoyed asking people if they had any teachers to leave the room.
You could tell his energy had going up he was in a different mode it was like he was about to go to war very confident and very raw.
I thought that I was going to get my citizenship everybody was going to put their hand up I bear witness that I will protect the United States of America and I bear witness blah blah blah I know I'm declaring to be a citizen.
What an idiot I was I thought somebody was going to come and just make an announcement give us a Bible and swear is in and we were in this article.
All of a sudden my teacher got off his throne sat right in front of student was in the middle took his ✋ hand. He sat on the floor and took the handle the student and said everybody put your hand and on top of the shoulder of the student and the other person the same thing and women put their hand on the shoulders of the husbands or the people who were related to them.
So there was nobody holding circles are holding woman's hands no.
No pictures as always for whatever reason my teacher is very strict on this stuff anyway it was very fast he recited something and it was all done but while I was extending my hand I was so full of regret Sheikh Faisal showed me mercy tenderly cuz my tears were flowing because I know I was very disrespectful.
All of a sudden he was all over nothing happened went back to my hotel room and the last day of class what's tomorrow.
This time around I was not part of the Shadi order I was not going to be late I miss you I got up early I was the first one there and I prayed I think I'm mixing the events up but you have to have a story to tell so I'm going to summarize it all so I can get back to the women of my life.
I had decided to sleep on the couch because it was not enough room. Anyway I got up and I went to prayers my friend Imam bazzi had a very bad back in pain.
He came down running to me and he said what do you do to the chair I said what the hell are you talking about he said my back was in pain and I decided to rest on that chair and whatever pain I was feeling was gone I said I don't know what you talking about he should give me your hand.
He looked at my hand or we could both tell there was a heat but what do I know I always ignore what's going in my body.
Anyway we going to skip the rest of the details but I will summarize it as this it was all about light it was all about connection it happened over breakfast while I have no idea what's going on.
They say they call it the opening where spiritually you can be taken before you Lord they say this shall happen if the Lord wills it.
This video should summarize the point I tried to make which is go sit under the feet of The Heirs of the Prophet peace be upon them an experience for what day is no explanation. Perfect manners is expected and if you are a true student all shall be unveiled in a manner that is from the prophetic household.

This video should summarize the point I tried to make which is go sit under the feet of The Heirs of the Prophet peace be upon them an experience for what day is no explanation. Perfect manners is expected and if you are a true student all shall be unveiled in a manner that is from the prophetic household.
Now I want to make it very clear this is through my experience and if you want to say I was hallucinating if you want to say whatever you have the right to say whatever you need to say.
At the end of the day you have to respect people's experience and you're not required to believe anything I say.
You must go experience it for yourself and you must go through this journey yourself and then you can only talk about this kind of stuff.
I went to summarize and close this chapter because the great opening did not come my heart was full of dots and I did not been for love and for my health and what I could not physically take just like a doctor I was told you came so close.
So all in all it was a last day no opening no nothing but there was no doubt my experience was real I had experienced enough anytime your friend offers you on Buffet you better watch it LOL.
Anyway when I have the opportunity to talk to my friend I told him I'm in the class when you were given 30 33 33 you what were you talking about he said no one I took out my phone and I dial the number and I utilize AT&T long-distance plan I called my teacher the approved everything but I was charged bill so you have to help me pay the bill.
Sorry figured out that be clearly people can make a long distances there was no hiding now LOL anyway everything came to an abrupt end but not before I was tested again.
I was once told a meeting will take place I should get myself ready because I had already tried to sneak in and see mine teacher because the person who is hosting the whole place with Somali and and I had spoken to him and he promised that he was going to get me in so I can get to see my teacher everybody knows how I am.
Before I could even say anything I was told how come people speak do they not know that the smile of pork can last for 40 days. Don't ask me about a conversation I had with a friend in a different language and that friend did not get the opportunity to go talk to my teacher went to the class together and I was told no meeting will happen by my friend later on but I should standby for information.
Point Blank we were all together grade meeting will take place so we should get our self ready.
Anyway I was talking to my dad I was on the phone sitting in the middle of the lobby all of the sudden I see Sheikh Faisal just walking through and then I see this cutie running by and then I see my teacher just working along all by himself.
I was so confused why is he walking by himself and I said to myself how disrespectful you are keep your eyes on the floor don't look what you invited why you told come over I said no so keep your eyes on the floor and don't worry about nothing.
He walked right past me I didn't have to manipulate anybody all I have to say is hello I could even say that at all.
Anyway the meeting now I've come to an end everybody was in the class and Declaration was made if you choose to follow your teacher you can unfortunately I had a bride waiting for me I was in my honeymoon and I know a little bit about the shadili way which was they leave you where you are. It's a very different type of an order that you don't need to go out and leave the world you can just stay where you are and everything will come to you. I knew this in the back of my mind plus I was very sure it was another student was sitting behind me who was being addressed there was no way in hell they were talking to this loser. Look how far back I was sitting how could I think that anything was addressed to me.

I said to myself if I'm called Force then let it be I shall go if I'm not call forth then I shall go back home because I cannot comprehend the events and I think my wife over everything little did I understand later on one of my teachers in Canada that I like to watch on YouTube this circles are all the way is the way of testing the test never stops you'll be tested over and over and that was a test looking back which I did not pass.
Anyway I came back home to monnalisa I took her hand and I told a feeling the heat from my hand I have a teacher and you have nothing hahaha I tried to look into a i and I tried to give us some light I was laughing how can that be do you feel anything it was total fun.
So now I'm back home and I can pay my rent and my mom I just finished my apartment something to my wife and my wife I paid for my ticket and I have started my projects and I looked into my heart and I said what can I do to address the challenges my teacher had put forth in the class.
All I have is my heart on my words so this is where I must begin to change the world and it was not good everybody thought I was lost my mind he he goes again into Corrections and writing letters and challenging the world again last time I did this my mom said he put his clothes down it's a statement she always uses to define the her son has already lost it.
My mom always says that and the weird part is that I am now in a different state and I became a truck driver and I worked and I got my apartment but once again she got the family together and she furnished apartment top to bottom.
I tell you this because I could not pay my rent and I had to sell everything after they came back from the funeral and I hit it to Seattle with my wife or am I getting this wrong either way I headed to Atlanta it's a long story you have to read the Bible to get it will just keep all that.
Meet imam bazzi
Meet imam bazzi
We find ourselves in the same place where it all started my rent is due again and this time I went into the storm on Twitter and everyone can see for themselves the blessing of my Lord and what I can accomplish if they extend a hand and help me and get me out of this storm.
My mother had a dream she said I was going on a trip she's leaving next week and she said that you came up to the stairs running to me with a briefcase full of money.
I would like to fulfill this a dream and pay my rent. I asked you people not to turn away from me and make me broke again.
I have given you everything I got and I'm going into the storm and yes I have a lot of issues I am very arrogant and I am who I am I am like my father you cannot take the warrior out of me I will not change for anyone so please I get on my knees do not let me my mom leave without me going back and fulfilling my dream.
All the doors have been closed on me from lunch good to my GoFundMe not a single person that's giving me $1 even though my apartment has fallen on me. I know I am the worst person I rub you the wrong way I so they're all things and I pick projects that are Beyond imagination and all you want to do is just watch and forget and enjoy the show but no one it's going to feel my pocket the show has to come to an end.
So I extend my hand and I say that the storms would only get worse and I promise to share with you every detail on my blog as long as I live.
Please extend your hand donate generously do not let me go back to my truck my uncle has a job waiting for me if by tomorrow I do not get out I must jump on that truck and drive it and God knows what will happen to me.
So please hear me we can finish the story later I need your financial support do not turn away from me when I have going into the store and the pain of change is in my face let me go see my mom and let me fulfill my dream.
Please extend your hand don't get carried away with all my bad characters for the love of your prophet and the love of your religion please do not turn away from me I need every penny I can get do not make me manipulative or do something that I cannot control I have reached my end please help me.
I will end it here for now and pick it up at a different time where I will praise every woman on Earth with words that are better than Romeo and Juliet I will take on the issue of privacy and I will break it down I am starting a fire on the web because this issue of freeing Edward Snowden And discussing our privacy is the heart of the of the storm.
Please do not turn away from me I need to get on the plane and go see my mom and I need to keep blogging until my heart goes out I give you my life in my blog I plan on giving everything away just like my Prophet donating everything I get to charity donation so my hand extends to you now and forever for everything I get I will give with the other hand.
My Prophet peace be upon him give everything because I believe in is the word that the Lord was the captain of his ship I'm giving away well to all that is in need was part of the journey and I intend to fulfill the same so never turn away from me let me block my eyes Out God bless you all I hope to see you on the road don't forget to bless me and let me live my life in my blog.
I have two projects that I separate from each other than I supposed to fund what I'm trying to do.
The first one is interview and I'm asking everybody to ask launch good to approve the project so that I can start what I need to do. If I'm not approved I'll let you know so that I can switch the difference are a source crowdfunding. Please click on the link below and help me get this approved.
Obviously most of you know the situation in my apartment and I need to get on a flight and I also need to play some personal bills so just like any artist I'm not ashamed to ask for money to meet my fixed expenses so please donate on the link below. @gofundme
Thank you for showing your support and love I am the rough draft people will be launching their ideas moving forward and I plan on taking on every challenge I can get my hands on we need a superhero at this time to look into the future get people on the same page and take on challenges and understand that we're going to wear store you don't know how it is to Nation but we know for a fact we want a better future for ourselves and our families and that is my goal to do my best and forget the rest.
Thank you and see you soon.
waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wbarakatu
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you