Open letter to Jeff Bezos. I love looking into the future and trying to take a shot in the dark and hopefully I'll be proven right for my efforts because the more I try to fail and and the more resourceful I tried to get the more exciting the journey personally I have loved every step so this letter is just a continuation of that resourcefulness. For those who do not know Jeff Bezos and I won't blame you because it looks like the guy in at school where you can take his lunch money and he won't be complaining LOL which makes him the ultimate hero because when you look at Jeff Bezos you don't see a Steve Jobs or Einstein or anything like that you see someone who's normal and you get a sense of I can also do this to which is a big compliment to Jeff Bezos as a human being. So I want to introduce Jeff Bezos to the world and Beautiful video he made with his brother and it really puts emphasis on parents who are creative. If you don't parent and you m...
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