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I want the job to be the director of the FBI

Just like any other job everybody looks at you and they go into your closet and they try to bring everything they can to discredit you and say you're not qualified.

I'm going to start with my blog it's a creative process it is what I see you in Twitter it is unfiltered it is a human being at work with no curtains to make things beautiful and presented to the world.

Anybody who brings up my blog on my creative process is just telling every young man and woman around the world that creativity doesn't count so I do not expect any single person to mention my blog because it's part of my creative process and creativity is brainstorming and brainstorming is something that I will explain to you if you have anymore questions.

The next thing probably people would ask is my mental state how can I do all of this how can I say all of this and still be a sane individual.

The answer is very simple the human being can adapt to different pressures depending on how long the left on the field.

I've been through a lot and when I went to corrections I did bite more than I could chew I was dealing with the warden, I was dealing with the board of directors, I was dealing with the Union, I was dealing with inmates who I was making sure I was a role model and above that I was trying to change the industry all by myself even though I had the cloud 911 on top of me I was speaking a foreign language and too many white people are over there.

In this circumstance I was able to sharpen all my skills from politics to talking to people and rehabilitating the criminal justice system.

So everything you seen on the internet and everything that is ongoing should not be used against me because no one has ever given me an interview no one knows who I am the only thing that you've seen is my work and some of it is just brainstorm so not a single person knows who I am and what I'm about and what I stand for.

So I should be given the platform to get the opportunity to become the director of the FBI because it does two things first it's going to give me the power to consider fresh ideas that needs to be done such as taking federal prisons and state prisons and coming up with a framework that will eliminate all the problems we have the criminal justice system that is my first goal is to deal with this problem.

Second thing is that I'm going to streamline the FBI and I'm going to make sure I fire all those people who are not politically skilled to understand that this country is made of a big team if you go out targeting innocent people and if you go out there make it your business to bring people down then that is not what we stand for.

The FBI needs a new Direction which is to prevent crime and help human beings in accordance with the Constitution and laws that have been set out not to turn everything around and make it about Vengeance on targeting people secretly.

I understand that most of you cannot take the Heat or you cannot imagine who I am and what I'm able to do that is because you've not been put in my shoes and you have not done and seen what I have I am here because of the love I have received from my family and parents / my teachers of Sufi circles
and the challenges I have taken on

I am not only qualified to be the FBI director but I am going to also talk to the president privately so that he can focus on doing the people's business and getting his mind of the FBI because as far as I'm concerned this investigation has been a Witch Hunt.

Even if I am not selected to be the FBI director just my nomination and my process to go through the system will alleviate the pain for the president that is all going with the FBI.

Sooner or later I'm going to make an appearance and I am going to be in the public eye and what a better way to make a splash and get the opportunity to apply for the highest opening in the United States.

So officially I want to declare myself that I would like to be the director of the FBI and I will make America feel safe again because I'm going to do certain things to Muslims that they don't like.

I'm going to hold Muslims accountable and I'm going to shut down certain mosques that have been financed or apart of 9/11 no one has been able to stand up and speak the truth and I will shut them all down turn them into churches as a reward for the Christians.

And return the Muslims will be a part of a community with a new agenda to reform and get federal dollars to expand and to abide by new guidelines where they will work with us and we will work with them and other religious Faith so that we can work on this issue that is really on going inside American mosques and I have been in touch with many leaders and I know what I'm talking about and I have my pulse on the finger.

I should not be judged for my profanity or my language that I use in public because at the end of the day the current system that's been setup does not have filters and does not let people share their thoughts and their creativity in a way that can be masked so that everybody can be true to themselves because every single person does use foul language every single person does make a mistake it's just that everybody is doing it behind closed doors and I'm going to be because then I'm immigrant on top of that I am black and on top of that I am from African country with a Cinderella story that I don't want to to tell anyone to feel sorry for me.

I am standing with my two feet and I'm talking to the president of the United States and every other politician in the United States I deserve this position of the FBI because I have certain qualities that the politicians love and the community will love because I am part of them I look like them I represent them I know their struggles.

There is no one who can object or give me a hard time to be nominated to be the director of the FBI especially if I'm making histroy because I will be the first black FBI director.

So I asked the president of the United States to please consider me for this position and invite me over for private conversation to at least meet me and get a feel of who I am what I'm about because there's been too much information and I have been thinking out loud too much and there's been a sense of confusion who I am but how do you know someone until you shake their hand and look them in the eye and have a cup of coffee with them and then and only then can you decide.

So I asked the president of the United States to give me an opportunity that is if I'm still alive because I'm getting on my truck today I'm getting back on the road it's very dangerous and slippery and winter is very dangerous for truck drivers but what can I say I don't make excuses I go out there and make a living the rest Belongs to the Lord.

It would be such a tragedy if I passed away from this world not even getting the opportunity to get a chance to meet the president and to see the White House and to see where Lyndon Johnson did many things.

The president United States has invited people who have set alarm at things about my religion and people from Somalia have been locked out of this country and then put on a list.

So it would be very sad if I do not get a response and I do not get the opportunity to show the world what I can do what I can say and what kind of future we can all have together.

I understand because I'm black because I'm a Muslim and because it's very confusing for people to understand how can someone like this be a captain of industry a person who loves technology a person who's the inventor a person who's a poet a person who has complete Command of a philosophy a person who loves mathematics a person who's a master in economics who could put Greenspan into shame I understand your difficulty uncomprehending my intelligence and my ability to do things that are out of this world.

This should not stop the president or the white house or the Press from ignoring me anymore I'm done playing games I've had a lot of fun but sooner or later this is going to happen and your all have to confront me and I keep calling myself a monster because I have seen celebrities who have lost all their respect people run to them like animals.

I am the kind of person who would control what other people do to me and if I decide to call myself a monster because of my privacy and because I want to be left alone and because I want to live a good life that I can walk the street and everybody knows if they come towards me I will knock them like Mike Tyson so be it I have to do what I need to do to say things and to do things that are not in line with normal terms and as long it help me live a normal life and set the tone on the agenda that I want to achieve. So be it I have to do what I need to do to say things and to do things that are not in line with normal terms but they helped me live a normal life and set the tone on the agenda that I want to achieve

So I understand that what I have said and what I've done has caused a lot of confusion and many of you don't know what to do with me and what to say to me and where to put me this is the case for people want to  change the world because they just are different.

So I call on the world don't ignore me and don't turn away from me because I'm firing all cylinders and I'm doing the impossible because this is something I learned from Silicon Valley this is what we do in the tech world it's completely crazy but it works and I have something to show you so that you can get on the same page and understand and I am following a technique I just took it too far.

Let me summarize everybody what I did I followed the smartest people in Silicon Valley who have applied this logic and I've been successful so what everybody's experiencing is watching me do many things that I very bad and a very good and it's exciting and I'm building my dream and unfortunately my Personal Image Persona of a very calm confident articulate Dependable person has taken a hit.

I don't expect you people to understand what I'm going through because you have never started a company you have never taken on challenges you have been hiding behind the closet and all you do is Judge and I'm sick and tired of being judged even though no one has ever met me or giving me an interview.

Those of you who do not know this man who's my hero you can read up on him.

I also have a video so that we can all get on the same page.

So what I want to do is change the world and what I've done is jump over mileage following the most successful people and I understand you're all confused and I understand this is too much for you and I understand that you don't understand what I'm trying to do.

Fortunately you're all in luck I get to pick up my truck today and I get on the road so maybe the Lord will call me back and you won't have to deal with me if the Lord chooses for me to stay then trust me you should invite me to your TV's and let's have this debate and let me make my entrance please.

I went to summarize I understand that it's been confusing for you and this has been too much but you need to understand that I have been through a lot and I can do a lot and it means nothing to me to be in the storm and to become completely this is something that I've done out of my life and I understand this is too much for you but I'm not going to wait for you to slow down my dreams and ideas to change the world because human beings all over the world are suffering and they need help and they need politics domesticated and they need new technologies that can change the world.

Take a very good example there's no way anybody would have understood Nicholas Tesla but you have benefited from his work and you don't need to know what's in my head you need to look at my work.

Ladies and gentlemen what I'm saying is that you're getting in the way of change for human beings that is my official model of changing the world making it better for human beings and protecting every life and giving every human being there for God given rights and not letting innocent Sokol virgin get in the way so please give me the opportunity to do what I need to do so I can get on with my life thank you for reading this and goodbye.

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