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Showing posts from June, 2019

The Ya`qoubi Family.

The Ya`qoubi Family.     Sheikh Muhammad (b. 1382 H./1961 CE) Sheikh Ibrahim al-Ya`qubi (d. 1406 H./1985 CE) Sheikh Isma`il al-Ya`qubi (d. 1380 H./1960 CE) Shaykh Muhammad al-Ya`qoubi - biography Shaykh Muhammad al-Ya`qoubi descends from a scholarly family whose lineage goes back to the Prophet, salla Allahu 'alayhi sallam, through his grandson Sayyiduna al-Hasan, radiya Allahu 'anhu. His lineage goes back to Mawlay Idris al-Anwar who built the city of Fes. Mawlay Idris' lineage is as follows: he is the son of Mawlay Idris the Great; who is the son of Sayyiduna Abdullah al-Kamil; who is the son of Sayyiduna al-Hasan, the Second; who is the son of Sayyiduna al-Hasan, radiya Allah 'anhu; who is the grandson of the Prophet, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam. Shaykh Muhammad al-Ya'qoubi's ancestors also include some of the greatest scholars of Syria: Shaykh Sharif al-Ya'qoubi (d. 1943/1362 H.) was his father's uncle, and Shay...

Open letter to Margrethe vestager

Open letter to Margrethe vestager to protect competition by making sure revenue-sharing for smaller brands is fair. The European Union and the world missed the digital train that came with the dot com boom then gave birth to tech companies that grew to proportion that is unimaginable. Big tech companies have become monopolies to the point where they can be considered to be the new standard oil. The negative externalities that has come out from Big Tech and Big Data is that it is not easy to compete with them in any way form or shape. The opportunity anof competition has stagnated growth around the world especially for my generation which is a subject that I want you to take into consideration. I do not want the European Union to miss out on another golden age that is about to take place just like era. The digital age that I am referring to is simply can be explained as to how we converse or use our current technologies. At the current moment we are goin...