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Dedicated to the most advanced country called Haiti

We have a lot of haters who don't understand Haiti is the greatest country in the world they have technology that's never been used anywhere else let me prove the point

Please tell me have you seen this technology anywhere else the media is focusing on what the president said is the president allowed to make a mistake?

Is the president of the United State a human being?

Are they covering his Martin Luther King speech where he talks about God absolutely not.

We have said time and time again the media is out to get the president of the United States and this is as good as it gets let me show you what they've been focusing on.

Note to self put the disgusting words that I used by reporters.

Mr. president I want you to turn this issue on its head you are the most powerful man in the whole world.

We're going to go into crisis management mode and I got all my ideas from a wonderful movie that I think you should watch.

But first I want you to look at this picture because this is an important move that you need to do to the media. Please watch the movie and remember this specific picture because this is what we're about to do to them.

Sandra Bullock does an amazing move she takes Revenge and she wins the game please watch this trailer.

What's the president I know you have watched a movie and you're well aware of my plan so that's breaking down.

First you need to understand your role in this crisis and what I owe you a Powers which is greater than any other person you can flip this thing and you can put it behind you and we can be laughing at them just like that.

It's not everyday a third world country is in the news and everybody is talking about them. The only thing people are going to remember is what was done for them.

So by putting a complete package together guess what everybody is going to come running to the door as a matter of fact we're going to cause a stampede of all those African countries and any other country that is looking to dig itself out of the hole.

We're going to rephrase this to dig yourself out of the hole that Obama has put you in the specially Sudan.

Don't know nobody wants to say but we know Obama was involved in the oil scandal in Africa just listen to this.


First we will start with Haiti and we are going to introduce a new legislation process where you have to understand that you're going to add new people to your team that can manage and improve on your mistakes. You need to face up and say you know what I said the wrong thing and I'm going to turn it into a win.

So how do we turn it into a win number one that start with a t all this people have no idea that we have people were open-minded were traveling this country like you've seen in the video on top well this country is an interview. When it comes to beaches and tourism so the first good that you'll do to this country is talk about what beautiful beaches they have you know and how amazing they have you can talk about all the tech that is on this videos after you have watched all of them.

Mr. president I don't need to give you any ideas but you are a real investor when it comes to hotels and building tourism for entire country.

You have a unique skill set that no other president has ever brought into the White House which is you know what it takes to help countries build the tourism industry to the point where success follows them every step of the way into the future.

So this gives you the opportunity to brag that what you have done the hotels that you have built

The same goes to for Cuba and any other Island so we need to create a new department that can help countries build themselves from where they are where they need to be so they can all be prosperous this is a new Administration or a new idea that can change the world as far as tourism is concerned you can utilize the Dubai as an example for all this country where they can be and you're going to do everything in your power to help them to get there because you know what it takes.

We're not going to really take this to another level because the Chinese have been beating us in Africa and every other developed countries where they go take over the resources and we all know Obama was a coward who did not have a backbone to stand up and tell them you know what what you're doing is wrong you're taking advantage of what countries and we are going to help them and we are going to join you in this fight to change the world.

I want you to beat them to this deal Donald this is the greatest deal Africa's ever seen and with your skills you can outmaneuver everybody and you can use your presidency to shove your hand in there and take this deal away from all of them and turn Africa into the most prosperous country in the world this project I'm about to introduce to you is the best thing that has ever happened to Africa and you should kidnap it and make sure that you put the Donald Trump seal of approval on this one.

So mr. president We went from being accused of being a racist to checking on China and helping every country in the world utilizing your skill-set what you are good at.

What needs to happen is careful statements need to be released after all all of this people hanging around for you to say a word. Every single time you say something they have to report it no matter what it is and you have seen for yourself even if it's a hole that they are digging for themselves on the ground.

Officially I think it's time I interned at the White House I've been in this country for too long and I've been hiding and living my private life but I think the time now it's time for me to explore and get a tour of the White House and get to meet the media and all these people so that we can open dialogue to the world and see that America is the only country that's willing to listen to different voices.

I believe everybody's ready for the new Fresh Approach we all need to start on a new page and if I can be the rough draft for the world to breathe and relax and contemplate and say wait a minute can we do everything different can we start over I would be more than happy to be that rough draft where everybody is growing on me all kind of weird plans and when they're done drawing then they can come up with a final draft of what they need to do to change the world.

With the blessing of the Lord I would never run out of ideas trust me I have so many ideas about so many things you won't even believe it from going to the space to building robotic buildings that put themselves together and open up architecture in a way that is unimaginable.

I hope to imagine great cities that are about equally movable so that if a storm comes in it just goes Underground and opens up like a flower so we have not tested our imagination and I was thinking so that we can move into the future everybody is running around like a five-year-old pointing the finger at each other instead of saying what is the solution how can we move forward how can we get on the same page how can we make America great again.

We have suffered 24 years of people who do not have morals leading this country and taking God of every single speech and everything they do. God has been undermined for 24 years in America and it's time we brought God back into a conversation and as a country we brought the Bible Belt back.

So I am really happy to announce that I'll be more than happy to do an internship and to meet with you mr. president so we can all of us begin this new chapter instead of being stuck with politics that is futile and it's not taking us anywhere we have to change and we cannot sit back anymore and I myself cannot sit back anymore watch all of this transpire.

The Time Is Now The Time Is Here change is here and we all have to deal with it and I'm more than happy to take my hands and extend my papers on my ideas on my heart and my love to the world so that we may dream together and build the world that God is the Center focus of everything.

God bless the United States of America God bless the president of the United States and God bless all those people who love the Lord.

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