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Showing posts from April, 2017

Page 31 replacement for Donald Trump

Open letter to senator Lindsey Graham We know Donald Trump is not going to go to The Poor House so we're going to pay them off and we're going to replace him with someone who deserves to be president. Introducing the 911 billion dollar deal to request Donald Trump to resign effective immediately. Read Through the blog and you'll understand what I'm up to Good morning sir I hope you're having a wonderful day. This is an open letter addressed to you because you are a man of the Lord who loves his country and his community. We want to thank you for the service and the sacrifices you have made for our country. I would like to introduce myself as the man of the Lord who loves the Lord and who praises the Lord night and day. I am proud to be a Muslim and to be an American citizen. You can consider me there Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X all put together in one. I am unapologetically in love with the political process how things are done in Washington a


Open letter to the Chia people and the Chinese government. I would like to start with a reminder that God is the one who bless his people. People on this world don't have to pay any taxes for the Sun that rises and the air that we breathe. I believe it doesn't matter how you start out what matters is how you finish. This is something American people know very well. It doesn't matter if it's football and you have won three and a half quarters and you can not deliver in the last two minutes you will be called a loser END of story. American ideals and compassion has  gone across the world touring freedom and democracy everywhere. It is very unfortunate this freedom and democracy has been undermined and throw up and the burned alive by nearest individual in the Chinese government. United state is not afraid of any country we are more than happy to engage anybody who thinks can stand next to us at anytime 24/7. We are proud of the Pentagon they can tak