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Page 31 replacement for Donald Trump

Open letter to senator Lindsey Graham

We know Donald Trump is not going to go to The Poor House so we're going to pay them off and we're going to replace him with someone who deserves to be president. Introducing the 911 billion dollar deal to request Donald Trump to resign effective immediately. Read Through the blog and you'll understand what I'm up to

Good morning sir I hope you're having a wonderful day. This is an open letter addressed to you because you are a man of the Lord who loves his country and his community. We want to thank you for the service and the sacrifices you have made for our country.

I would like to introduce myself as the man of the Lord who loves the Lord and who praises the Lord night and day. I am proud to be a Muslim and to be an American citizen.

You can consider me there Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X all put together in one. I am unapologetically in love with the political process how things are done in Washington and around the globe.

I want to write this letter to you skipping everybody else for now because I think you're man who loves the Lord and you have shown your loyalty to the union of marriage time and time again. You have shown your commitment to Family Values which has never wavered not even for one second.

We are recovering from eight years where God was attacked 24/7 from the podium of the White House. For eight years we had a man who refused to admit it  he wasn't Muslim and I consider him to be the Antichrist. He did his best to undermine marriage and everything America holds holy. He used this color as a cover-up to engage and political arrogance that nearly brought our country to destruction.

It is this responsibility of all those people who believe in the Lord to sharpen their knives and make it public to everyone where  they stand  without caring about the consequences that comes with a political roller coaster of what would people think and what would people say.

I want to let you know I am just like a bull when I begin to charge I will break the barrier I do not care who is standing before me and what people think. I want you to understand that my favorite President was Lyndon Johnson and I have said that over and over again and this is not the first time I'm talking about this subject it has been ongoing on Twitter for many years.

The fact that people who are in love with the Kennedys and they could not see that it takes a man whose backbone is tougher than the Empire Building to pass a law that propelled the Civil Right Movement to be not only at knowledged by the law but to push this country in the direction it needed to go by Iron Will.

I believe we are  suffering from the same problem and Johnson faced with the Kennedys. This country was so in love with the Kennedys that they just could not see President Lyndon Johnson would personally  contribute positively in any way shape or form.

Fortunately everybody was a witness to his political skills and will and they all got on the same page and moved on with their lives period  which bring to my main point  because right now we all find a our self in the same shoes with President Obama who I respect and admire and all the good things he has done. Unfortunately in politics no one tells you to run for president. If you run for the presidency you are fair  game for anyone.

I want to make it very clear that I respect President Obama and I also love his wife and I admire his children. I don't want people to be carried away by their political rhetoric which is just part of the political tool that needs to be utilized to get people off this Romance so that we can go back into doing people's business which is passing laws that we change our world forever.

I really believe the love Obama got even worse with this election because we had the circus come to town and hijacked  the political process  and turned politicians into Chuck E. Cheese's.

I believe Donald Trump has open the doors of Hell  and if you do not help me close it shut it's  going to send a big invitation to clowns from the circus. Have you seen Arnold Schwarzenegger begin to make his comeback someone needs to tell him they have not passed the law that will even give him the opportunity to run for the president.

I think you have a moral obligation to help me with my vision so that we can meet Behind the Steel Curtain and redraw the future of American politics forever. Politicians have to come together and understand there's never been more vital moment for the political jugular vein to be exposed  amateurs.

Donald Trump is the first person to take his words show rhetoric and actually cut the jugular vein of the political process so that every politician's bleeds to death.

I know for a fact as a man of the Lord you have spent a lot of nights  weeping for this country in the turmoil that has just taken place. America's Has never been in danger and has never had a careless leader at the wheel from the Inception of the country.

Senator do you really think the political process can really go through this Tornado from the circus again exposing its jugular vein to amateurs?

i believe you agree with me when I say politician will not survive this and the clowns are not  only coming for the presidency now but they're coming for every single position  to eliminate  the men of the Lord occupy in the United States so that they can have a big Chuck E. Cheese's party. I'm sure you agree with me that Mouse is pretty cute. But you agree the men of the Lord are the Lions.

You're going to see celebrities and every other loser run for the government and actually win. There's never been a time in American political history we have seen so much anger and pain in the process from the Inception of our great country.

Politicians are  bleeding to death right now. So I am going to go ahead and share my plans with you what we need to do to politics so that we can not only stop the bleeding but turn it into more of a professional profession that is not only respected but will create a platform for the public to interact with the politicians pushing us to a successful Future  no one can even imagine.

The first thing we need is a brand and an idea so that everybody can be on the same page. The political process is very important. That's why  have created this brand as a downpayment on the future of politics which is supposed to domesticated and a streamlined the process what is politics in the first place.

Senator Graham i personally want I introduce this brand to you  which summarizes victory for politics which is   it's not personal it's politics.

I am hoping to turn politics into a professional sport where it's athlete's not only appreciated it but they are given all the amenities that come with the support  of a system. Don't confuse me with what I'm trying to say. All I'm saying is that I want politics to be respected and I want politicians to be acknowledged for every single political maneuver they do in the political theater.

Which will bring Out of this world results right away. Because reporters will finally have a mission statement not only to work with lawmakers but to report to the local districts around the world. This will give you the political process the arm that he was missing which is removing this barrier and misinformation between the political process and the General Public.

I want to highlight some of the benefits that will bring the change to the political process and heal the process as a whole.

You know we live in the world of sound bites and a politician have to make those rounds to the Fox network on to other networks promoting themselves  are they would be not non-existent. Fortunately we haved moved on to the point where people could  broadcast themselves and you can see the changes it's beginning to have which is beyond imagination of most people there trying to Grapple with this technological advance because politicians do not know what it means to them.

Fortunately all that is about to change. Because change starts from the public then it rolls down to everybody one. The public will be more than happy to accommodate my idea or analogy of domesticating politics so that we can just get on with our lives. If I had to summarize my entire analogy is turning politics into Halloween where people put on masks and state their different agendas and Visions for the future. As soon as the party's over everybody goes home with their reputation intact.

Above all it's going to separate amateurs like Joe Plummer and that fellow who refused to give his name who gave Ted Cruz the legendary name of lying  Ted just like Richard Nixon got tricky dick.

Reporters will play an important crucial point because they will be the superheroes who will reward politicians for doing their jobs with the Stars that go into the system.  

We all know  reporter's know you politician like the back of their hand. They know your ups and downs. They know when you're scoring political points and they know when you're actually doing the people's work and when you deserve credit. Unfortunately reporters themselves are on  a system which does not prioritize their skill set. Right now reporter's job is to get the sound bite and the juicy gossip that will make the headlines to show the public the political underwear of politicians that destroys political careers which is something we cannot afford to have in politics anymore. We need to turn reporters into an asset not a liability.

So please Senator trust me when I say all  we need to do is look at the NFL. The NFL is the best example of what we're going to do to the political process.

All you have to do is just watch the documentaries that they do on the journey to the Super Bowl after  on team complete  process. I'm sure you enjoyed watching the story of how a team went through from day one all the way to the Super Bowl. I am going to give you a visual of what I'm trying to say because I want this to stick with you and the public forever.

Edwin Milton "Ed" Sabo

I understand people don't know who is Edwin Milton "Ed" Sabo so I have a link just for you.

Just imagine reporters doing the same thing for politicians especially someone like you as the man of the Lord. They're going to see your ups and downs and they're going to remember you as the man of the Lord and everything you said in the election that only comes true. Unfortunately everybody is still in shock scratching their heads what is the solution to the political process.

I can promise you that I know the solutions. And i have no doubt moving forward politics will be domesticated reporters will be put in their rightful area and they will be guided with a mission statement that give them all the power the  always wanted . I am going to create a fairytale world that no one will be able to stop.

Now I want to move on to the salaries  which are apathetic in politics and I want to make you an offer that you cannot refuse.

I want you to be aware of that my offer will not make you laugh but it will also make you cry because it will make you  president  effective immediately.

People usually laugh when I say something like that. But as soon as I begin to explain people get on the same page and they stop laughing and they take me very seriously. So just watch what I'm about to do.

We all know it's very exciting to run for the presidency. It is the dream of every single person to be president one day. There's no position in America that is promoted and is dreamed about like the presidency. So it is natural for anybody to want to be president. It is well known that  Trump has been trying to be president all his life and the attempts are there for everyone to see. Unfortunately nobody told him as soon as you get elected the fun stops and governing starts which is to heal the particle divide and make America great again.

Unfortunately because Donald Trump is from the circus he did what any other clown would which is to follow his own Playbook and look down on every single politician calling everybody the establishment. He put his hands on The Wheels of American power and he drove the bus right off the edge while  we were all watching in horror.

America has never been humiliated and exposed to shame at the same time from one man. We have never seen a man destroy the prestige of the presidency by relinquishing Authority America has over the world by telling everybody he is only America's president. He does not understand our  role in the Free World which is to promote democracy and Justice that has brought about peace and prosperity the world has never seen as far as technological advances which was boarded from the Islamic world. I want every American to understand that Islam and Muslim are not just a future they are the only solution left on the table.

i Encourage the American people to update themselves the contribution of Muslims to the world. Because the version that they have right now is not just  perverted but is copy of the  The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) version. It's very disrespectful to be comparing people to a version that was made by this people known as Isis who are KKK for the Muslim world. I encourage every politician to update themselves on the correct version so we all on the same page.

I want you Senator who's the man of the Lord and every are the senator who loves the Lord to get on the same page the contribution on My Religion contribution to this world so that we can get over this hump that  we are all experiencing due to the lack of knowledge that has caused the men of the Lord to attack the religion of the Lord because they were not updated on the contribution of religion of Islam.

Please visit this website and watch the YouTube link so that we are on the same page. We need to understand Islam and Muslims in this country are not the problem but they are the solution.

I hope to bring this exhibition to the Capitol so that every politician is aware of Islamic contributions that has changed the world as we know it.

Back to the offer that you cannot refuse that will make you president instantly.

I believe it was a very good experiment for Donald Trump to become president the way he did. This is the ultimate vantage point from where I'm sitting because it gives us the opportunity to close the doors off power and streamline it because you must have a nuclear accident before people will be willing to make drastic changes into the system.

Donald Trump give me all the political tools to be successful with my plan. I would like now to reveal my plan is to making you president instantly.

I believe Donald Trump could not last as president anymore. He had a very different idea what it meant to be president. Unfortunately he's feeling the pain and Heat of what it takes to be president. Being president is not fun you have to work 24/7 and there's always a crisis ongoing.

Donald Trump is yet to make his first visit to a foreign government representing the people of the United States. I'm just going to summarize his president as a person who's looking for the exit screaming for help which I am going to provide that exit to him right now.

We need to understand what is the goal or motivation for Donald Trump right now. His goal is to make himself wealthy because you can never acquire enough wealth
we all know this. So the president's wants to make sure he leaves a very good money for his family. That is the priority of the president of the United States whether anybody wants to admit it or not it doesn't matter. Let's get on the same page what is motivating this president  which is money.

We all know that we are not paying president money that they deserve. This has exposed the underbelly of the political system that has caused not only corruption but has forced the hand of politicians to be corrupt. You cannot ask a heart surgeon to make minimum wage and the same time operate on you heart.

You cannot ask LeBron James to make minimum wage and play basketball at the same time. Can you imagine every single basketball team only  officer minimum wage to play the game of basketball?

Or even worse imagine the CEOs who run every single Corporation get paid minimum wage only which is absolutely ridiculous. So why the hell do we pay the most powerful man in the world minimum wage salary. When I say minimum wage I literally mean that the standard of living for the president is completely different and does not match what we are paying him.
A picture is worth a thousand words

Donald Trump has sent the message to every single person on earth that is not getting paid enough he doesn't have the balls to tell the American people pay me or I will look out for myself in any way I see fit just like my predecessors.

Which brings me to the point where you can be instantly president senator. So  I want to give the president of the United States salary he deserves. While the president is serving he doesn't need any kind of money we all know this.

The problem arises is when his term comes to an end are we going to pay him chump change or are we going to pay him what  he is not it's worth. The answer is simple we have to pay him what is worth.

I believe George W Bush was a sell out and I know for a fact if I would have introduced this bill he would have headed for the exit as well and only served one years of his term or less.

I really do not think people realize the importance of what I'm about to say so I'm going to ask everybody to pay attention to what I am trying to say here. If you want to be safe in this country you better pay the most powerful man that money he deserves so that he does not have to take shortcuts that undermined our security.

When I say security I'm talking about 9/11  catastrophic events that should have been prevented by the presidency to enact laws that would not only keep a safe but would hold people accountable or responsible for financing the 9/11 attack of the United States. All I'm going to say this issue was summarized in the 9/11 Commission and we have ongoing lawsuit that should suffice what I'm trying to say without saying anything.

My solution which is my style of dealing with problems which is just to offer solution and not go on and on and on on the problems we have. This is an example for every single person on Earth please don't tell us about the problem just give us the solutions we know the problems already.

My solution is very simple we're going to pass a 911 billion dollar presidential salary increase.

Let me take a shot at one of my political Rivals who have been drowning the Muslims in the United States with his political skills mr. Rudy Giuliani. For 9:11 cents is totally cheap.

Sir you have a go it wrong it's not $9.11 okay it's 9 11 billion dollar presidential increase salary please increase  take notes.

Let me say that again we're going to pass on 911 billion dollar salary increase for the president of the United States. This will solve all our problems as far as corruption is concerned with in the presidency.

Whatever you do do not tell Rudy Giuliani about my plan. Because he knows how to utilize fear. Fear is the Ultimate Weapon and this video illustrates the point.

We're going to miss them thank you for all the service you've done for our country.

We also going to give everybody who works in The Whitehouse enough money so that they don't have to go and work in the private sector they can actually go and have a comfortable life.

Anybody who says money is not a problem it's not just a liar but an idiot and I think everybody should distant themselves from that individual losing money and it  doesn't matter.

The 9/11 billion dollar presidential salary increase will to go through Congress and the Senate will be passed by all parties because it we do the following it will bring hour-long nightmare to an end.

President Richard Nixon cut a deal and we all moved on with our lives. We're going to do the same thing for Donald Trump because he won't refuse this offer even if he wants to. Consider this a hostile takeover of the White House.

The 911 billion-dollar presidential salary increase once it's past it would give the president the choice to step down and take the billion dollars at any time.

The 9/11 billion dollar presidential salary  increase will only be available to the president if he decides to step down before the end of the term of one year.

After one year the president will not get the opportunity to take the billion dollars he will have to take the regular salary just like any other president.

This will force Donald Trump into a crisis to take the billion dollars and head for the exit or to keep taking on problems that could give him a heart attack and make nothing.

Don't  think Trump is not  a very smart businessman I believe he will take the money after much deliberation and encouragement he will take the 911 billion dollar salary increase and he will resign with full glory.

We're going to have a parade we going to have military jets fly over the White House it's going to be up ultimate sacrifice by a businessman to go back to his habitat which is enjoying life taking care of his properties and being the host of a TV show Apprentice which is waiting for him.

As a result I would like to talk to the president directly today. Why should you be dealing with all the problems that come along with being president when you can get a billion dollars and go back to your life and just say I was a president for more than a year unfortunately didn't work out. I promise you not a single person will hate you in any way form or shape for taking the money and enjoying life.

I'm now going to turn the page to Senator Graham you're not laughing now are you :-). 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

This plan could actually work because we need to make sure we return the respect and honor for the country. There's nothing wrong with politicians taking money and heading for the exits. Why do we force players to be on a team they don't want to be.

Dear Senator Graham I'm going to apply the same analogy for Congress and the Senate. You're never going to see anybody staying in office if you have the opportunity to be rich. Why do we  want politicians to be poor it is one of the most unfortunate and unacceptable expectation that has been put on a profession sends an entire nation to war and undermined its own security.

Moving forward Congress and Senate the salaries will be tied to the performance of the economy.

Depending on the results from all the work they can all be  be millionaires and billionaires.

Of course we will have we have the same carrots and sticks to motivate them so that they can take their money and go to leave their lives happily ever after.

We need  Americans  to understand it is the responsibility of Americans around the globe to come to the understanding that politics must be domesticated and politician must be appreciated. Whether we like it or not the political process has become a circus and the clowns have taken the wheels of American power and  taking it over the edge destroying the reputation of America and what America stands for which is God country and honor.

I want people to understand I'm a person you're going to be dealing with for a very long time. I'm going to redesign everything that you know about politics and technology for many years to come. Everybody needs to get on the same page you have a new player in town and things are going to be changing forever.

I want to make it clear to everyone the Speaker of the House Paula Abdul who converted to Islam or to be more specific the smelly cheese from Wisconsin that has led the president and the Republican party to suffer the ultimate defeat that it will never recover from is still standing and smiling and leading other people not mentally retarded or they do not understand the consequences of losing a battle of this momentous which is puzzling why he's in charge of anything. Insports loser gets the bench not the starting lineup. As soon as you're giving the opportunity to lead the entire party to commit Seppuku.

For those of you who do not understand what is Seppuku?

Seppuku (切腹, "cutting [the] abdomen/belly", formal on reading of original Kanji), sometimes metathesized as harakiri (腹切り, "abdomen/belly cutting") which is a native Japanese kun reading, is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment. It was originally reserved for samurai.

The smelly cheese from Wisconsin was laughing at my religion agreeing with the president how it was wonderful that he was burning people from seven countries alive period because there's no different barring entry and burning people alive as far as I'm concerned he was laughing at the Muslims look at what the Lord did to him. Mr. Paula Abdul let me tell you something converting to Islam is not easy make sure you face the right direction when you're praying five times a day mr. Speaker of the House.

Senator Graham you have the love of the Lord and I want you to know you just as you seen me take on my political opponents with my own words. I'm going to make sure that people are awarded or punished for their political positions.

The Speaker of the House lead the Republican  party into battle under they all committed
Seppuku. Why is the muslim still in charge can you please explain that to me? Because I am puzzled Beyond imagination.

Senator Graham you are the man of the Lord you have stood for Family Values and you have never apologized for the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman. You read the Bible all the time and you bleed for the USA night and day.

You are the night the American people are looking for even though they choose not to admit it. It was fun experimenting with the circus but circus has to leave town now so that we can all go back to our lives.

I am currently busy with the directing two movies and being the John Wayne of the Muslim Community setting new standards how we're going to deal with the terrorism problems Plus I am creating what Vision country's needs to follow this includes China and Russia and many other countries who will be getting marching orders what they need to do with themselves for the foreseeable future.

I want to make it very clear that I will be a senator who will take over the war Heroes seat. Make it clear to hero of America that I admire Senator McCain for all his sacrifice for this country. Fortunately time up he needs to make way for my seat so I can run as a senator from Arizona.

Please let them know he's dealing with a person who has taken a lot of inspiration from Lyndon Johnson my favorite President because he's passed the Civil Rights bill. I admit he's a psychopath and I'll have nothing to do with anything that he has done that is contrary to the truth. But I have every right to be proud of the Civil Right Bill and everything he accomplished for my people.

Senator Graham I will be sending open letters to a lot of people and sooner or later I am going to be in the halls of power I hope to meet with you and sit with you and have intellectually stimulating conversation on what the future holds for this great country of ours.

I'm currently driving a truck and I am enjoying every single minute of it. I am going through American landscape and I enjoyed waking up in a new state every day seeing how the American people live how they live before I go on to the represent  the people  in  politics and  conduct the people's business behind closed doors.

I would like you to know that I am not a millionaire and I do not have the money to start a campaign or to initiate anything spectacular at the moment. I am just a truck driver who's trying to make ends meet but sooner or later I would have all the politically capital I need to maneuver my way  in Washington and take my rightful place among the political Elite.

Please just consider me as regular  Average Joe delivering American Products cross country. I'm making sure Americans are not only fed but all their products are all on time. I'm going to continue to serve America and to be a proud American for the foreseeable future.

I really do not know what my future holds and I believe I have too much on my plate so I don't know what the Lord will  do with me. As you know Truck driving is very dangerous profession so only the Lord knows what will happen. I asked for your prayers and your fellow lawmakers that the Lord help me navigate to Washington so I can begin  my political career as a man who loves the Lord. I'm a man who will never stop praising the Lord. I am a man who celebrates the Lord. I am a man who does not apologize that marriage  is between a man and a woman. I'm a man who believe in family values. And I'm a man who believes America the greatest country in the world.

I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy day I pray to God one day we should meet and shake hands because I would love to talk to a man of the Lord who deserves to be in the White House effective immediately.

God bless you and God bless the United State of America. May God protect men and women in uniform who are giving up the ultimate price.

Thank you and goodbye.

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