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Hypothesis beta 0.1

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 
"In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"
Praise be to Allah, who sent Our Master Muhammad peace be upon him with guidance and blessing for the whole world.

Out of his blessing, Ahl al-Bayt, one of our students, was inspired to create hypotheses that had equations. The project was inspired by my Shaykh Muhammad Abul Huda al-Yaqoubi (محمد أبو الهدى اليعقوبي‎‎; ) Hafidhahullah, who is a descendant of Al Hasan ibn Ali, Commander of the faithful. Peace be upon him. 

Unfortunately, the project was derailed, losing almost all momentum when the father of one of our students passed away unexpectedly. May Allah have mercy on his soul. Fortunately, however, the project was reignited with a Prophetic light deep within one of our students; he was able to pen the hypothesis from beginning to end out of love and mercy. He received from our dear Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowy Hafidhahullah who is Ahl al-Bayt (أهل البيت‎)‎, a descendant of AL Imam Hussain ibn Ali, commander and leader of the faithful. May Allah be pleased with him and increase his light. 

The main point of this hypothesis is that the one of our students found great blessing in my meeting Shaykh Muhammad Abul Huda al-Yaqoubi (محمد أبو الهدى اليعقوبي‎‎; ) and by reading a book by Imam Abdallah Sirajuddin al- Husayni, may Allah be pleased with and grant the highest place in Jannah. The book is titled Our Master Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah His Sublime Character and Exalted Attribute, Volume 1. We received the book as a gift from a student or the Mureed of Habib Umar bin Hafiz Hafidhahullah, who is a sayyid, a descendant of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad through his grandson Hussein bin Ali. The student, who is close friend of one of our other students, was instrumental in writing this hypothesis. We would like to acknowledge Imam Bazi’s commitment to excellence, his relentless emotional and financial support, and his unlimited enthusiasm. 

With that said, let’s jump into this project head on. 
The news system is problem that needs a solution. Because the news is the problem and solution to our problems. This hypothesis with equations is submitted to Zaytuna College, Madina Institute, and sacred knowledge 

We will lay out systematic equations to demonstrate that Allah Subhana Wa Tala has given us all the tools to solve any problem if we put our full trust in him, Subhana Wa Tala.
Through the Prophetic Sunna of our Master Muhammad, peace be upon him, we believe we will finally lay out the hypothesis that, hopefully, can be used by Sacred Knowledge, Madina Institute, Zaytuna College, and Darul Mustfha, as a rough draft to evaluate, validate, and use conduct shura among each other to bring about great change in the current media system; to build a platform that encompasses our day-to-day lives, because of the current status quo within media system. We have to propose a new method of changing the current media system by taking a closer look at the current system and applying solutions, from our perspective, that reflect our Islamic faith.
We want to purpose a new way of looking at the news media by sharing what we, as Muslims, can do with all blessing and power Allah has granted us.
The current dilemma has pushed Muslims to the point where we don't feel safe in our houses or mosques; even our children are being victimized and terrorized at school.  A study is under way at the Madina Institute Center for Peace and Nonviolence, addressing this issue; it is a great blessing. We ask Allah to shower his mercy on this project so that solutions can reach Muslims community at large.
When we studied the mainstream media or journalism in general, the design and methods, from the collection of information to production to consumption — from end to end — we find that the Islamic spirit is missing.
The current system was not designed to benefit individuals. The current system has been designed to help advertisers reach more people. The current news system works on ratings. The more viewers they have, the more money they make. As a result, news that affects people who can bring about great change has been marginalized. All the major networks in the United States are examples of this — ABC, NBC, CBS — have cut down their evening news from an hour to 30 minutes. But in the future, we’ll have none – news programs will be completely cancelled. The news vacuum has been filled by people who have their own agendas and people who are distorting the image of Islam and Muslims. Fox News is a perfect example as are other conservative networks.
We believe we have reached a crossroads with news, and we, as Muslims, have an obligation to bring about change in the current system that will guide the entire ecosystem of news that is inspired by Islamic faith — the ecosystem that reflects the teaching of the best of creation Our Master, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
We sincerely believe that this is a great opportunity for Islam and Muslims everywhere to bring about great change within this system. 
After looking at the tools Allah has made available to us and pondering over what can we do to usher in this great change by following our Master Muhammad. peace be upon him, and his family, we have developed the following hypothesis in an equations format; the goal of this hypothesis is to change the news system forever.
  • (AD - MMS) = NEWS 
  • (CIC) 
  • Presenting the Elizabeth Anne George Hanson equation.
  • (O W S T + T W S T) = End of TV and Radio
  • THE NEWS = ( Y + W) = 2 Hypothesis or, Simply Stated, Y=W Hypothesis 
  • W = NEWS = AI
  • U = C + IN +U = Real Data or News
  • (AD = BD) = BC
  • (BC = PC )
  • (Selling DM = SPT)
  • (NP AD + NP J ) = I P
  • T & R = One-Way Street 
  • (AD + N P ) = Two-Way Street
  • IN +AD = Three-Way Street 

We believe we live in a world of startups, the meaning startup here is shura between people working to solve a problem where the solution is not obvious and success is not guaranteed.
After looking at the tools Allah has made available to us and pondering over what can we do to usher in this great change by following our Master Muhammad peace be upon him and his family:
We will start by explaining equation one and two.
Equation one = (AD -MMS) = AD 
Equation Part 2 = (AD + UNDER PF) = NEWS
First part of the equation is: (AD -MMS) = NEWS 
Going forward, the news will remove the interpretation that advertisers and consumers have placed upon it from the inception of the media system, because, as the equation points out, (ADVERTISEMENT - MIDDLE MEDIA SYSTEM) = NEWS.
The result we get out of the equation above is that advertising / advertisers / brands that conduct direct or indirect advertising or advertisements on different platforms, such as TV / radio / internet / billboards, will have uninterrupted communication with customers; and customers will have uninterrupted communication with the brands they love and have been eager to communicate with.
In order for this to happen, we Muslims have reconstructed the idea of what is news means in the 21 Century.
The news is not what the current middleman media system it is. Yes, we referring to the news disseminated on for- profit networks around the world under a variety of different brand names.
While we admit, in the past, technology made it necessary for a forced marriage between two for-profit brand networks under different names thus creating the man in the middle system that inadvertently created a marketplace that produced only door, the one-way door advertisers could use to communicate with customers to build brand awareness of their never-ending product brands. This, in turn, created a roadblock in the system that generated massive profits (with our own advertising dollars!) and have been used as a launching pad for an all-out assault on Islam and Muslims around the globe.

Fortunately, with the blessing of our Master Muhammad, peace be upon him, we see change in the horizon in form of technology that will push the door wide open to advertisers and brands to (CIC) = 2WS.
This is translated to: (Connects Instantly and Constantly) = a two-way system.
We believe the above equation / result will lead all advertisers to stop doing business with the man-in-the-middle media system for-profit brand networks because it will no longer be lucrative — or necessary. We believe this will create a great opportunity vacuum for any organization that understands that they are the best community to come out of this Earth. People are trustworthy that is people who can see beyond the dollar signs. People have been granted authority by the all knowing, all powerful, to represent him on this Earth. People who have inherited an unbroken chain of knowledge of our Master Muhammad, peace be upon him, are the Ulama. By will of Allah and the dua of Ulama / Awliya, who see with light of the Prophet, peace be upon him, that Islam has solutions to every problem, as stated by Shaykh Makki al-Kittani Alayhi Rahma via our beloved teacher Shaykh Muhammad Abul Huda al-Yaqoubi Hafidhahullah.
The current for-profit media brand system was born and bred for the sole purpose of profit making which has been used to finance ongoing war on Islam and Muslims. In response, we have an answer to this dilemma which is the Elizabeth Anne George Hanson equation.
Which is as follows:
The following equation is attributed to Elizabeth Anne George Hanson, the mother of our beloved teacher Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. May Allah have mercy on her and his father and join them all in jannat-ul-firdous, Ameen. We ask people all over the world for their prayers for her soul.
We want point to fact that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has blessed us with the mother of our beloved Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, who has been a great source of guidance and blessing for us personally through Alhambra productions. We listen to the seerah of the Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon. We want say thank you, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Imam Zaid Shakir, and and all the teachers and staff at Zaytuna College. We ask Allah to shower his mercy on everyone in the Bay area. 
Presenting the Elizabeth Anne George Hanson equation:
We believe that the current media system was created at the time when technology was a one-way system. A good example is the one-way downtown street in every major city – hopefully painting a picture for the reader. In the 1930s, media executives took the initiative to monopolize TV and radio by undermining it — from its inception. Take for example the inventor Philo Farnsworth, credited with inventing the television, who said "I know that God exists. I know that I have never invented anything. I have been a medium by which these things were given to the culture as fast as the culture could earn them. I give all the credit to God." Philo Farnsworth, a Utah farm boy, was inspired by freshly plowed field that inspired him to employ the back-and-forth motion used to plow a field as the basis for his “Image Dissector,” which he developed before his 15th birthday and successfully demonstrated when he was 21. 
Unfortunately for profit brand network RCA (Radio Corporation of America), whose sole purpose was to destroy inventors by tying them up in legal court battles they could not afford and using all the influence they had over the industry to guarantee their failure on any technological advances so that they could monopolize it. Philo Farnsworth was one of the victims who was physically and emotionally injured by media executives such as David Sarnoff, known as The General, who used unethical and predatory tactics, including disrupting supply chain so that Philo Farnsworth never got to market from the assembly line. When Philo Farnsworth refused to sell his patent after he won in a court of law, RCA played the waiting game until time expired on his patent; RCA did not have to pay any royalties to use Farnsworth’s invention. What was even worse, RCA executives used the same dirty tactics on the inventor of FM radio, who unfortunately, committed suicide. The banker JP Morgan used these same unethical maneuvers on other inventors such as Nikola Tesla, who invented DC current and none other than the light bulb inventor Thomas Edison, to monopolize everything to his own advantage by consolidating everything both inventors made into one big corporation that still has a beating heart today.
The monopolization of radio and TV transmission resulted into a one-way system assembly line that created prepackaged information that is owned and operated by corporations whose sole purpose to is turn profit. Unfortunately, many people did not realize the danger of for-profit brand network executives controlling the information diet of millions of people — food for the mind where people use it to make informed decisions.
Advertising + Newspapers = Two-Way Street
Between 1930 and 1960, there was some sense of democracy in the information media system because profits from newspaper advertising created so many reporters that kept the system on a Two-Way Street, so that prepackaged information that was being consumed was not one-sided. Unfortunately, with the invention of the internet, the system turned into back into a one-way street because of the decline in advertising revenue. Here is a picture that summarizes what happened to the newspaper industry: Margins were eaten away by startups, such as Craigslist, that did not understand what they were undermining.

The media system did not recover from such blow. Things got even worse in TV where media executives led a power grab by consolidating the entire media system, which we will cover as we go along.
People are now beginning to wake up to the consequences of pre-packaged information. For example, people did not care when Islam and Muslims were dehumanized and defiled to the point where it has led to Islamophobia and hate attacks on Muslim men, women, and children, according to Madina Institute Center for Peace and Nonviolence. This is going to have a lasting impact with post traumatic stress disorder, in a paper that will be published soon. 
We believe Allah chose to bring this test and trial to the doorstep of the Muslims, so we can bring about great change. We also believe it's time people wake to the present danger, because the one way system of prepackaged information is double-edged sword.
For example, the shooting of innocent Black people and other minorities in this country has put the country on the edge of destruction — an all-out race war. Technology of the one-way news system prepackages news in order to increase ratings in return for increasing profits. 
Fortunately, we have had inspiration sparked by Elizabeth Anne George Hanson.
With the blessing of this amazing Sufi Queen of our time, we present the Elizabeth Anne George Hanson equation.
This equation means the one-way street has come to an end; we have technology that has caught up to the cable cords. For instance, it used to be, in order to broadcast, you had to be a network with unlimited resources. Now, the average Tom, Dick , and Harry can offer live broadcasts over YouTube, Facebook, and other live-streaming services on the internet. In summary, it would suffice to say that the Elizabeth Anne George Hanson equation is crucial change in this century, which can only be compared to falling of the Berlin Wall in the last one. And with the blessing of Elizabeth Anne George Hanson, we would like to make bold the prediction that within the next two years, the current system will be hit with technology so powerful that the whole world will be turned upside down, meaning no one will watch TV or listen to radio ever again.
Here is the evidence to back up our prediction. By looking into the future, for instance, we are excited to share with you a company called Magic Leap.
Magic Leap is a startup that is working on a head-mounted virtual retinal display which superimposes 3D computer-generated imagery over real-world objects by projecting a digital light field into the user's eye. It is attempting to construct a light-field chip using silicon photonics.
Here is a video that really paints the picture of what we trying to get across; plus, we have included YouTube video for your pleasure.
Video one from
Video two, CBS This Morning
This now is a watershed moment. The same technology that caused this marriage out of necessity because of the nature of technology which was a one-way system is about to get a divorce with the help of Magic Leap.

We as Muslims want this divorce to be permanent, and we want to be ready to propose this technology with its equations and branding so that, hopefully, we will be blessed with a marriage under which will exist a platform that must redefine what the news really means.
In order to redefine the news, we purpose that advertisers should cut all of their funding or advertising from profit brand networks and turn advertising into news.
Let us clarify what we mean by turning advertising into news. What we are trying to articulate is that we can create a platform whereon the user can decide what news means to them not the other way around — that the current for-profit media system is presenting in their one-way news system.
The one-way system is currently used by broadcast media to deliver a prepackaged information diet to the people. That has caused roadblock that has given an elite handful of media executives the power to control the information disseminated to millions of people.
Here are examples that show the consolidation of the media and the illusion of choice in the current media that should crystallize what we are trying to say.
In the 1933, as many as 50 corporations controlled a majority of U.S. media from newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio stations, even books, music, movies, video, wire services, and photos agencies.
In the year 2004, after massive consolidation, we had only six corporations controlling a staggering 96 % of the entire media system. 
Here is list of the Big 6:
1.    GE or General Electric owns: Comcast - NBC- Universal Pictures - Focus Feature. 
2.    News Corp owns: Fox - Wall Street Journal - New York Post.
3.    Viacom owns: MTV - Nick Jr - BET - CMT - Paramount Pictures.
 4.    Time Warner owns: CNN - HBO and Time Warner Brothers 
5.    CBS owns: ShowTime - 60 Minutes - NFL.Com
6.    Disney owns: ABC – ESPN - Pixar – Mirma - Marvel Studios.
Media consolidation has become the illusion of choice, whereas the media system has never been more consolidated. Six media giants now control a staggering 90 % of what we read, watch, or listen to. 
And 252 media executives control the information diet of 227 million Americans!
The total revenue for the Big 6 in 2010 was $275.9 billion.
All the for-profit brand networks are supported by the following brands 
1.    Kraft
2.    Coca-Cola 
3.    Pepsico 
4.    Kellogg 
5.    Nestle 
6.    P&G, Proctor and Gamble
7.    Johnson and Johnson 
8.    Unilever 
These brand commanded a big share of the revenue made by the Big 6 through advertising to us via the man in the middle media system. 
Please keep in mind that we are only showing you some half of the picture when it comes to brands, but half is all we need to get a point across. And, to give you a visual picture on a scale of how many brands the above brands own. We have included a picture to illustrate the magnitude of the brand power on a global scale.

Even though brands are nothing but a ploy made up of sign, symbol, and words, they have captured the hearts and minds of consumers because, in theory, they stand for certain benefits and value. 
Even though we know that brands are nothing but a ploy, we know we have to have unique brand name that is in line with our Islamic teaching. So we chose Shura (defined as consultation) and went deep into the 99 names of Allah subhanahu-wa-taala, and we devised a unique brand name that will represent the two platforms that will be the vessel for the set of values and benefits of news media system. 

The two brand names are built into the hypothesis simply known as Y=W hypothesis:
or simply stated Y=W hypothesis
ي = Y stands for = You 
و = W which stands for = world 
 و + ي = akhbar أخبار THE NEWS = ( ي AND YOU) ( وand WORLD) 
The two platforms are represented the Y and W

ي = in Arabic means Ya Allah Ya rahman Ya Rahim Ya malik into greatest names Allah subhanahu-wa-taala which inspired us in the oneness of Allah subhanahu-wa-taala which, in turn, translates from y / ī to the = Y 
So under Y platform, we have (ONE NEWS ONE WORLD ) as iconic an brand name .
Under the W, we have

When you deeply ponder on what the news really means to each and every human being, you will find they look at the news from one, and only one, perspective which is information that relates to them as the user. So Y = YOU = YOUR NEWS. People forget that what you love is news! What you want is news! What you need is news! What you buy is news! Even your health is news! What you watch is news! And to summarize the point, we are trying to hammer this home: All your wants and needs are news to some in the marketplace. 
Here is a picture to emphasize our point.
So under the ONE NEWS ONE WORLD, we hope to create a platform that will create the 
(CIC) = 2WS, which is (Connects Instantly and Constantly) = into a two-way system.
…where customers and brands connect and communicate constantly. For example, when the user loves the new yogurt from C0hobani, the user will send Chobani feedback which will be considered news. To summarize, we want to eliminate this constant and incessant bombardment from advertisers who have created a living hell for us. If you're watching TV with your family and all of a sudden a Viagra commercial comes on, how are you supposed to explain that to your children. And for those of you who say we don't watch television, you're going to see the same thing on billboards while you're driving with your kids. And you going to encounter them online while surfing the internet.
There has to be a way for advertisers and regular people to exchange information on their own terms.
Unfortunately, that's not the case in the 21st Century. Companies like Google and other ad agencies are utilizing algorithms to invade your privacy in order to serve brands and advertisers.
We need to understand we cannot fight market forces of supply and demand; they will always win.
The platform can address what the news should have been from inception, utilizing the information that affects the user, so they can use to it make changes that will empower all users. 
In order to understand how a system should work, we looked for inspiration, and we found it in the Sunnah of our Master Muhammad. peace be upon him, from the annual pilgrimage, Hajj.
In the Hajj, people wear the Ihram, so we wanted this platform to emanate change when people use the platform, where they will feel equal and will give more detail on what they really want at later date. Because of the technology jargon which we are desperately trying to avoid, we will move on to the next inspiration which is circumventing the Kaaba in Circle.
That really inspired us to look for information or data — or news — that surrounds the user in the circular shape which integrates into the equation the circumference of a circle (the distance around it).
U = C + IN +U = real data or news
So if you draw a circle around the user, do you find that he or she needs information that affects him? If he is at home, he would like to understand patterns or trends — what's happening around him. In the United States, people would like to know what's happening in their neighborhoods. Have there been break-ins? Has a sex offender moved? They want to protect their children. This circle represents the circumference of the user. Unfortunately, there is no platform that addresses this in a way that connects people and protects their privacy both.
As soon as the user leaves his neighborhood he is now in a new circumference where information is vital. Arrive ahead of him, there could be other users who are witnessing a shooting; users could see that the dam is broken and the water is heading straight towards you, or a even worse, a hurricane is headed your way. This kind of information is instantaneous, and the user that has no time to prepare. People need to get this information instantly, so they can save their own lives. Unfortunately, no platform was created with this in mind. 
We’ll present another example of the Hajj Circle. When you zoom out of the Hajj, you can conveniently circumvent the Kaaba. If you do the same to the user and you zoom out of the user, you see a community made up of users, a community that needs to be aware of certain events that have strong impact on them — local elections that they should take part in and voice their opinion so they can make their communities safer. 
When we zoom out of the communities, we get to see districts where elections happen at a local level where people send their representatives to government. In the United States, we have Congressmen. We believe that Muslims have the opportunity to review data, and because of the United States’ redistricting system, Muslims, who are given the right information on real data, can place themselves where their voices / our votes will have greatest influence on Congressional seats. We really believe this platform can deliver on its promise to give the Muslim community influence in politics in the United States.
We also feel people should look at the current system of politics in the United States. We did and found an article that we’d like to open up for discussion among us all as to what's wrong with the way politicians are able to manipulate the system. They choose the voters; the voters don't use them. A good article on this topic is included below. We hope you will read it, and it blossoms into a fruitful discussion. The article title is “US elections are Rigged, but Canada Knows How to Fix Them.”
We have to stop and bring this section, ONEWORLD ONE NEWS to an early conclusion , but rest assured we have exposed only the tip of the iceberg; we have not yet spoken of the intimate details of what makes the platform completely different from anything out there. So expect something amazing.
In our premature conclusion, we have intended to make something organic, locally grown data information or real news, the people are part of with the platform a part of them. We will give you more examples in the future that we have deliberately chosen to not share in this paper. We would now like to “turn the page” to the next platform which is artificial intelligence. We go back to the equation on the news on artificial intelligence.

W = NEWS = Artificial Intelligence

For the W = WORLD. 
We have come to the humble conclusion that in this world, we all need to be on same page. The Muslims, who are the Guardians of this planet, have been preoccupied and have chosen to refuse to sit under the feet of Ulama to receive their share of inheritance of our Master Muhammad, peace be upon him, through unbroken chains in which people inherited the Prophet light that gives people deep insight to change the societies, to bring about great changes. Especially from Ahl al-Bayt, who are the descendants of the family of the Prophet, peace be upon him. The world has gone to hell in a hand basket. People do not agree on climate change, and they continue to argue about this problem. It's ludicrous. Nations have gone nuclear-powered as a deterrent measure which means the disabled are driving the bus, while we are preoccupied with our hawa and nafis. It's time to wake up and bring this world back from pre programmed GPS destination of destruction with the help of the tools Allah subhanahu-wa-taala has given us, which is the internet. Under the platform name, ONE WORLD ONE NEWS, which will be under AI or artificial intelligence, that needs harnessing and the Islamic teachings will train in AI, which we, as Muslims, are currently neglecting. The world news information that is concerned with collecting, production, and broadcasting news around the world has been taken over by artificial intelligence. Here is a picture to illustrate the point.

A part of our mission under the One World One News platform under AI is to revolutionize the media in general. designed and implemented on this planet in accordance with the Islamic faith — so that we can mobilize the ummah; so that we have influence that can achieve meaningful results in an instant, when the Assad, the cursed mad dog of Arabia was bombarding innocent people who were just trying to flee to safety. We are unable to foster our collective effort into meaningful results that would have pushed the international community into enforcing no-fly zones which would have saved countless lives. We, as umma, are lacking influence. And there is no separating wealth from influence. In order to generate influential support for these two-platforms, we had to take a step back and look for inspiration. We found it through one of our students who was blessed to sit under the grandsons 34 Shaykh Muhammad Abul Huda al-Yaqoubi hafidhahullah who is descendant Al Hasan ibn Ali Commander of the faithful, peace be on him. And Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowy hafidhahullah who is Ahl al-Bayt أهل البيت‎‎, a descendant AL Imam Hussain ibn Ali Commander leader of the faithful, peace be on him.

(AD - MMS )= NEWS 

We really believe that by looking to our golden chain, our Master Muhammad, peace be upon him, we can make this reality (AD - MMS )= NEWS 
The only supporting pillars holding together the for-profit brand networks is advertising. We believe we can undermine those pillars holding the foundation for the for profit brand network.
We found inspiration through a book given us by dear friend and mentor Imam Bazi (a mureed Shaykh Habib Umar bin Hafiz, a Ahl al-Bayt descendant AL Imam Hussain ibn Ali Commander leader of the faithful, may Allah be pleased him).
The book has a forward written by Shaykh Muhammad b. Yahya al-Ninowy and is titled “Our Master Muhammad the Messenger of Allah His sublime Character and Exalted Attribute.”
On page 223, under the heading “HIS GREAT GENEROSITY”:
  1. Tirmidhi narrated, on the authority of Umar b. Al- Khattab, may Allah be pleased, that a man came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and asked him something. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “I have nothing, but buy it under my name, and when I get something, i will pay for it.” Umar said, “O Messenger of Allah you gave him! Allah did not make you responsible for what you have not meant to do! The Prophet, peace be upon him, did not like what Umar said, and a man from the Ansari said, “O messenger of Allah, spend and do not fear any decrease from the possessor of the throne! The messenger of Allah smiled, and his face showed delight in what the Ansari said. The messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, replied, “This is what I was commanded with.”

By the blessing of this hadith, we had a breakthrough in the equation form.
(AD = BD) 
(BC = PC)
(Selling DM = SPT)

We realized that we need to create mutual incentive between advertising and consumers around the world. That will be a pillar stone that will be the foundation of diverting all profit from for-profit brand networks also known as the middleman system.

What advertisers want and need is information about the user under “Y” platform so that they can communicate without interpretation. 
And user wants a way to capitalize on the information which they choose to share and connect with advertisers or brand around the world.
With that, we would like to explain the hypothesis. 
(AD = BD) = BC 

We really believe brands around the world have failed to realize that they need a platform that is nonprofit and neutral that gives the user a say in how he will interact with advertisers and brands. Advertisers and brands used the one-way street of TV and radio for a long time, and just hoped somehow and some way their message got to the user. And customers just bought without any preference on goods and services, because they didn't have a platform that gave them access to the incentives which should exist and will be known as brand currency.
An example of brand currency is a gift card, coupons all under one roof in a systematic way that mirrors the bitcoin. 
We really believe we have an opportunity to create a platform that will craft tools that customers and advertisers will benefit from by replacing for-profit brand networks through the creation of the 3 B 
Which is 
Customers under one global tree.
Through the hadith of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, we realized, by telling the person to borrow money under his name; he was setting an example of a global BRAND TREE.
We are currently under attack from for-profit brand global cooperation that are using our advertising dollars to distort the message of our Master Muhammad, peace be upon him.
Why can't we Muslims unite under one tree and give business a unique opportunity to cooperate with us by setting up a platform that is in line with our Islamic faith? 
Here is an example of the brand tree.
Under the platform, a user who happens to be family, will be assigned a specific brand power because, mathematically, he will be part of the brand tree. So when the moment comes to buy goods and services, advertisers will get information on the user's “brandpoint.” Just like a credit score. The user brand points is made up of his family / relatives who are under the brand tree and will increase the brand point when they buy any goods and services under their brand tree which will increase in value. So to summarize, what we are doing is making people worth more than the dollar in their pockets. Just because you don't have money does not stop you from borrowing / selling / lending to customers around the world. We hope we did not confuse you.
Let's give another quick example.
For example, a family wants to buy tickets to go hajj. And the family has 50 or 60 people who are under the same brand tree, the advertiser brand will issue brand currency and will get access to the brand tree. 
Advertisers get access to consumer wants and needs without knowing who is who. This is the Holy Grail advertisers and global brand companies have been looking for all their lives
This really deals with monetization of people’s wants and needs without compromising people's privacy. This is why we know the ulma or Muslim scholars have be on board from day one as to how to balance the system that is designed in accordance with Islamic teaching and among the scholars, we wish to have the opportunity conduct shura with are as follows.
SHAYH Muhammad Abul Huda Al-Yaqoubi
Sacred Knowledge

Muhammad Bin Yahya Al-Ninowy 
Madina Institute 
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf 
Zaytuna College 
Habib Umar Bin Hafiz
Darul Mustfha 

Our Master Muhammad, peace be upon him and family and his companions, sold his decision to support someone in need. This opened our eyes to the power to generate brand currency with a promise.
This means people have the opportunity to acquire brand currency with just a promise, and if they honor that pledge, they add to value of their brand tree.
So, this really means creating a brand tree which has already been done. My Muslim scholars, even though they don't realize it. For instance, by just creating a shopping list and sharing it with their brand tree, the Ulama or scholars can generate brand currency. 
XYZ Brand company is willing to give $6 million to any ulam who can get his brand tree to add certain products to their shopping list. let’s say its pharmaceutical product like Tums for heartburn, and also Johnson & Johnson to also buy baby milk with their brand tree or should we say mureed of the Shaykh; People add that to their shopping list. That is all it will take to just generate $6 million. This is the waqf system of the future, where a percentage of sales from the shopping cart is used to support the Islamic system of the future. Not only that , but we will have products that have brand names to generate revenue to support the Islamic institution because we can't rely on donations from people who are in need of Tazkia and Trabiya , people who are patients in the hospital of the Muhammadian lights or realities to cure them for the disease of the heart. Especially here in the West, people have a Western mentality. We need the Muslim umma to share in this vision so that we bring out brand products that will support news. 
waqf SYSTEM 

The Muslim umma is in dire need of Ulama, helping the establishment of brand business that with udda of the Ulama become a runaway success in the marketplace. In return, we will do business supporting the system with grants that continue to meet all needs of the Muslim umma.
And with that, we hope you have understood our hypothesis just like that of our Prophet, peace be upon him. We are going to leverage our needs and wants into a platform that that will help us and Muslims around the world. Because we are the hope for the Muslim world, we have to look at our golden past to find our future.
(AD = BP)
(BC = PC )
(DM = SPT)
We want to fully define what we mean by brand currency with concrete examples that will lead to lucrative ecosystem for brands around the world.
Airlines can stop feeling guilty by flying with empty seats, because they can offer free flights to the brand tree, securing future business, which will give them high customer brand scores.
Hotels can give away all those empty rooms to secure future sales from the brand tree.
Supermarkets and restaurants can choose not to throw away food because it now makes sense not to throw away food because before they did not see the profit of sharing excess inventory with customers (there's no such thing as a free lunch!). But now, we have people under one tree and that tree has branches; with our platform, they will increase their brand score points and secure future business opportunities for themselves.
What we can also expect to do on the platform in regards to progressive change in political actions, is to empower activists to work for the change we want to see in their politicians around the world. Through powerful grassroots and nonprofit campaigns. To fix our broken democracy, fighting for an economy that works for everyone and opposing war and relentlessly defending human right set forth by Our Master Muhammad, peace be upon him. We have a great example, we can copy and paste on to the platform 
For example, an organization that brings great change by helping customers with easy way to make a difference in the world just by doing things they do every day. Each time their customers use its services — mobile, long distance or credit card — they would automatically send a donation to progressive nonprofit groups.
This is a belief that people, through donations to nonprofits and political activism, can effect progressive change. It also features political actions in the customer's monthly bills urging them to make free calls to elected officials. And it lets customers pay for “Citizen Letters” to be sent in their name to the officials.
The organization was known under the name Working Assets. Their first product was the Better World Credit Card. After the United States deregulated telephone service, the company introduced Working Assets Long Distance in 1991. In 2000, it also became a mobile virtual network operator, operating as Working Assets Wireless. The company renamed this division to CREDO Mobile.
To date, it has raised more than $79 million for groups like Planned Parenthood, Rainforest Action Network, and Oxfam America.

Here are some of the accomplishments by this organization under CREDO Action:
They mobilize over four million activists to speak out and pressure decision makers from the local to the national level. From opposing war, to relentlessly defending reproductive freedom, protecting our environment and a healthy food system, fixing democracy, fighting for an economy that works for everyone. CREDO has empowered activists to work for the change we want to see, not what they are told we can achieve by Washington insiders.

Credo customers and activists have generated over 16 million letters and phone calls to elected officials, decision-makers and corporate headquarters across the country and activists have submitted their signatures over 137 million times on CREDO petitions and in public comments to government agencies

Credo activists have helped win historic victories for peace with Iran, real Net Neutrality, blocking the Keystone XL pipeline, Arctic offshore drilling and coal leasing on federal lands, raising the minimum wage, and blocking Wall Street cronies from political appointments — and that’s just in the last couple of years.

Here is a link to a video that really paints the picture of what we am trying to explain.
Here is another video just showing how effective CREDO is in getting to politicians and often shaming them into action. The video is called “The Terrible Men.”

Inshallah by will of Allah has granted us through Our Master Muhammad, peace be upon him, and the blessing of Ahl al-Bayt and awliya, demonstrates we will accomplish what CREDO has done under our platform on a global scale by putting the ulma and scholars on the forefront of our organization. 
What really has amazed us about this specific organization is how they have set up their system. They are privately owned and their employees own their stock, not publicly traded, which liberates them from short-term financial considerations and hostile Wall Street takeovers. In other words, they are independent to the core.
This is the system we want suggest where the Ahl al-Bayt أهل البيت‎‎, and the ulma who are to have inherited the Prophet, peace be upon him, in knowledge through unbroken chains.
People who understand Islam of the four mathab Islam of tasawwuf , Islam of rhama , people who will be the head of the organization. The Ulama who among them is Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi, Shaykh, Shaykh Yahya Al-Ninowy L, Shaykh Habib Umar are the co-founders. These major stakeholders give complete power. They will have last say on all matters by Allah’s will under the platform which leaves the work to be done for Ulama or scholars named above.
Applying solutions from the four mathab, what is the system they will choose to conduct shura with all concerned about the platform? What are the laws that govern the quran and Sunna on trade over the internet and what zakat calculation per family or their brand tree of one Muslim family? With Muslims In Syria and all over the world in need of urgent assistance for stabilization, teaching of the inheritance of our Master Muhammad, peace be upon him, bestows an opportunity to sit at feet of the Ulama and inherit the Prophet lights which connect to the unbroken chain of knowledge through study of Shaykh. We need the ethical guidelines so that there will be a lasting impact on the internet and so we can rectify the current problem that has made the internet the Dark Web —  that access through The Onion Router known as TOR. The internet as an example of a place of beauty and elegance of the Ulama who uses shura to guide an ecosystem is missing.
Our intention or niya is that Allah subhanahu-wa-taala revive the ummah to its golden roots. In order for that to happen, we have to give support to people who have inherited the Prophet, peace be upon him, who are the Ulama. We live in a world where shareholders influence the world through brands. We really believe we are at moment of great change where TV and radio will be like the tales dinosaurs, and we don't see anyone ready to take advantage of this opportunity to benefit the ummah for many years to come.
This idea is that Allah subhanahu-wa-taala has blessed us with an idea that will only crystallize if we are given to the opportunity to explain it in person. Inshallah, we would like to get the opportunity to present it to ,Zaytuna College, Sacred Knowledge, Madina Institute, and Dar Al-Mustafa if Allah wills and lets us live that long.
We want show you this video. Hopefully it will make you determined to influence the future with our Islamic faith as it did for me.
Allah has never humiliated Ahl al-Bayt, the family of the Prophet, peace be upon him. This project was inspired by them. To be more specific, we want say thank you to our dear Shaykh Muhammad Abul Huda al-Yaqoubi, who is one of the students witnessed in San Jose. He received a great blessing which was to sit at the feet of the unbroken chain and the Prophetic lights that has inspired to work on many other project making this one being the most important and many more to come yet to come, Inshallah. We also want to say thank you to Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowy, who helped revive the project when it was derailed and lost almost all momentum when one of the students lost his father in May. Allah, have mercy on his soul. But fortunately, the project was reignited by Prophetic light deep within him to contribute his ideas to the point where we were able to pen this hypothesis from beginning to end.

With the permission and blessing of Ahl al-Bayt, we hope to create a platform on the World Wide Web with more than just websites or apps. We hope to create a platform that is built under the iconic brand names that will have AI (artificial intelligence) and human intelligence inspired by the Prophetic light or the Muhammadian lights. It's with dua and the blessing of Ahl al-Bayt and the awliya. We hope to attract the worker bees who will help in building and maintaining the platform. Here is a quick example of some of the skills that our partners need to be conversant with:
  • Front-end Web Development, also known as client-side development, it is the practice of producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Back-End Development, also known as programming for someone who creates the logical back-end and core computational logic of a website, software or information system. The developer creates components and features that are indirectly accessed by a user through a front-end application or system.
And with dua of Ulama, we will be blessed with people who have mastered both ends — front-end web development and back-end development also known as the term full-stack meaning developers who are comfortable working with both back-end and front-end technologies.

It's true Allah had blessed influence to his servants whether not they are Muslims, to have influence that is so overwhelming that it made billions of dollars, companies surrender and submit to one individual who has really captured our imagination. This individual made Google/ Apple / Amazon and every other technological company give up on visions as what future platform of programming should be through his support for GITHUB whose slogan is “Build software better, together", "Where software is built."
This individual also changed the way we use computers through Linux, and he is none other than Linux Torvald. 

We have included a few videos to give you insight into Linux and Linux Torvald.

After these videos have brought everyone up to speed with the open source community, you’ll definitely see why shura or thorough mutual consultation with Sacred Knowledge, Madina Institute, Zaytuna College , and Darul Mustfha, will lead us back to our golden roots in overcoming this vacuum of education. To mold the heart and minds with skills that create an educational ecosystem conversant with technology coupled with Islamic education curriculum mission is to "serve our Lord and honor our Prophet — through providing the highest quality educational programs, materials, and training in the traditional sciences of Islam in the most beautiful way. Using the most effective tools of our time will result in the Islamic open source community and train the next generation of developers that will build and maintain technological platform on global scale — just like Linux.
The change for the future is now or never, but we know for a fact that this will not happen with your help and wise counsel through shura or mutual consultation, first and foremost with those who represent the Shaykhs in their own ranks and respective capacity. Among the people we will be contacting to get feedback so we can polish the ideas before it's presented to the Ulama are as follows.
Sacred Knowledge
Shaykha Safia Shahid
Darul Mustfha , 
Imam Bazi
Madina Institute, 
Karla Evans 
Imam Tahir Anwa
Zaytuna College 
We believe we live in a world of startups, meaning a startup which is shura between people working to solve a problem where the solution is not obvious and success is not guaranteed.
To improve the media system is going to take a revolution that will propose change in the current media system. By taking a closer look at the current system, we can apply solutions from our perspective in the ways that reflect our Islamic faith.
We really believe this a great opportunity for Islam and Muslims everywhere to bring about great change that will last a lifetime. We have the opportunity to shape the future, here and now, through examples by our Master and the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family and his companions. 
We look forward to discussing through shura with all and hopefully getting feedback from you as to what you see as missing that we should take into account before our final draft is presented to Ulama. We hope to hear from all of you soon. Inshallah.
waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you all.

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