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Page 3 for my fellow correctional officers

This is page 3 period if you're clicking this was the first time you need to go back to page one.

We are now going to go into some of the work that I've been doing privately and publicly that I would like to not only speed up but complete.

Now I have to admit that I was not interested in doing anything spectacular. I had just had a burned-out career and Corrections and then another failure launch with one of the richest people in the world. So it was fairly after failure and I have no desire or appetite to engage in anything whatsoever that had to do with saving the world or doing anything of any kind. Because everything I touched would just end up in complete and utter failure. I became the father of failure to the point where I considered myself not just in your ignorant but I was going to be the king of the ignorant people where I would just argue with the ignorant deal with ignorant and that was my legacy.

Without a doubt I did not think I was better than any human being on this Earth. So it really did help me to meet a person that I have loved and admired from far distance in San Jose.

I have just got married to Mona Lisa I flew back into La my life is going good. For the first time in a long time I was happy emotionally physically everything was good. I was not ready to engage in anything that was out of this world.

Fortunately the Lord made it very clear that I was going to play a part in all of this. And all my struggles and everything that happened in the past that I was keeping private was for a bigger purpose which is to help people in the current crisis that we are in.

I want to admit I am no superhero because if I was I would have written this blog very long time ago when Donald Trump became president. Or when the band was instituted by the president to stop people like me from entering the country. So if I was a real hero I would have stood up and I would have gone to the airport like the rest of the people and I would have done something. So I do not consider myself a hero literally. That's why I step back and I let people who could lead and say things that would Inspire other people to bring change period because I don't consider saving the world to be my primary job. My job as a human being is to meet my obligations before my Lord and my family and the rest is all effort. If I can be part of change if I can influence the future then I should do so in any way humanly possible.

So I want to make it very clear that this is just a rough draft and attempt to put on record. At least I did something or said something when satire and jokes wrapping it up like a burrito to the friend My Religion on my people in the United States. I feel like I'm the only one who can step up and at least wake up all the Sleeping Giants telling them Yo your religion is actually great. Mohamed Ali was among you. I will take the first step humiliate myself put myself in there humiliation of the public I become a disgusting household product fortunately someone will step up who's a superhero who knows what he's doing and can leave the people. Until then I have to hold down the fort so that someone else can come through and take over.

So I want to end page 3 with the say I am no hero I'm just a regular person building his blog working hard utilizing elbow grease and trying to make an example for the people in my religion that not all hope is gone we have a lot of private citizens who can come out and if they do not come out I was just have to call them by name. But before I can do such things I have to be an example of what I want them to do. If I make fun of myself and if I do this blog thing and they see for themselves that I am in meeting myself sacrificing my privacy then they will join up this fight so that we can all finally have some peace and we can go back to a private lives and leave the rest of our lives in peace and privacy and die with some dignity.

So I end this chapter by asking people not to leave any comments on my blog. Not to say anything. To be participant privately so that I can be comfortable and writing and sharing my thoughts with you all. I have no problem being a public person there's nothing shy about me I am fighting an inner struggle of the ego and myself so that I can remain humble and submissive to my Lord so I can be an example two people in my family and my community so that they know that success can be achieved without being a total show off.

END OF page 3.

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