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Open letter to Imam Zaid Shakir

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ


In the Name of God , Most Gracious, Most merciful 


Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wbarakatuh my dear blessed teacher and imam Zaid Shakir.

I seek your counsel and I seek for you to be part of those people who will shape me to be a role model for future Muslim generations in terms of challenging problems Muslims are facing and how they go about addressing those challenges in a way that fulfills the right of all muslims.

As you well aware I have been blessed to be in the hands of the Blessed teacher His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Al yaqoubi may Allah preserve him whom I was blessed to join the shadhili tariqa and if I remember correctly you were even invited to pray for me and all the other students who are part of this program.

After that initiation into the shadhili tariqa my life has never been the same in terms of trying to contribute positively and now I have reached a point where the seeds that was planted in my heart on that day is now ready to bear fruit unfortunately they say it takes a village to pick the harvest so form the blessing of Allah what was planted in that day has now reached a point of harvest and that needs to be many hands to pluck this harvest so that the Muslims can enjoy the work that it was done and blessed by the shadhili tariqa.

I have come to the conclusion that even if I try to do this everything by myself the harvest will rot and I will just be a person who maybe got 1or 2 fruits that will not even be enough for myself so time is of the essence when I tell you that please help me so that we can all benefit.

I don't know how to deal with politicians who are Muslim but don't understand what the shadhili tariqa is and what is the importance of the blessings that can come from being part of the tariqa in general.

All I want from this politicians in Washington is get a federal land that will aid this project in terms of building the house of wisdom that honors the past and builds on the golden past of Islam with real ideas that will shape the future.

We both are fully aware there is no help for Muslims all with there be any help in terms of revival or great blessing descending in terms of calamities unless people go through the blessed family of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and this was demonstrated by ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb was the second Rashidun caliph may Allah be pleased with him who did tawsul through ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbbās peace be upon him when the rains did not come and he pushed him forward and he asked to the progeny of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him because the prophet is not cut off and it started raining right away.

The prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is not cut off and will never be cut off and the revival and the blessings that comes to the Muslim ummah always comes through this doors it is very unfortunate many people don't understand this simple fact however I have taken it to heart and through the blessed family I have decided to be part of a team that will build the House of wisdom that is dedicated to the family of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them and through them hopefully we'll get a great blessing that we cannot all imagine and this is why I'm writing this letter to you to get you involved.

I've made multiple attempts probably to try to speak with the only members of Congress who are Muslim but I understand that when it comes to the religion of Islam they're just like a student like me and they're probably overwhelmed by all the work they already doing and they need people who they're familiar with they have worked with like Keith Ellison and other people to be part of this program so that it can reach its full potential.

So I wanted to take a different route in terms of achieving what I see to be beneficial in this harvest: the shadhili tariqa.

I want to create a discussion in terms of the true teachings of Islam and all the blessed teachers of the tariqa who will be invited to Congress and general discussion will take place in Congress as to why this house of wisdom has to be built and this system of purifying purifying people in terms of understanding the religion and attaining real faith that needs to be instituted by Muslim countries some Muslim countries have done much better than others country like Morocco stands on its own without any equal and this is something that you know.

So I hope to meet with you and we can come up with a plan because I'm going to invite all the great Sufi Masters and I'm going to make the case for the House of wisdom and the town of the best Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his grandson to be built and honored.

Let me give you an example of what I want to see accomplished.

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf - Islam & the Western World 1/6 - An Interfaith Dialogue" 

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf - Islam & the Western World 2/6 - An Interfaith Dialogue" 

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf - Islam & the Western World 3/6 - An Interfaith Dialogue" 

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf - Islam & the Western World 4/6 - An Interfaith Dialogue" 

Watch "Sheikh Hamza Yusuf - Islam & the Western World 5/6 - An Interfaith Dialogue 

I want to get that hearing and invite blessed people to talk about the importance of the tarika and the blessings that comes with the circles of knowledge and the lights of guidance that has been sent through the blessed family of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them.

I want to invite all the best teachers of the circles to come and make the  members of Congress and the Senate to understand what the tarika is all about. I will be inviting the following people or at least showing them the following videos.

We live in the 21st century. People can watch and analyze the case I'm trying to make by listening to the videos themselves.

Watch "Tariqa Al-Samaneya Gharebiya Hassania"


Watch "الطريقة السمانية: رجال عرفوا الله تعالى Sammani way: Men who know God Almighty"

Watch "The Ja'fari Tariqa: TV Report" on YouTube


Watch "Tarekat Ahmadiah Idrisiah explained by Sayyid Muhammad ibn Alawi al Maliki with English translation" on YouTube


Watch "The Life of Sayyid Muhammad Alawi alMalikih with English translation


I hope to make a point where the presentation in terms of what it means to have a teacher and to be on a spiritual path this is something that has been abandoned by certain countries including Saudi Arabia who have gone as far as banning the celebration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him even though he celebrated by fasting every Monday even that simple point is not made to people and as a result we see all the problems that are surfacing by not having spiritual teachers and the circles in the entire Islamic world which is the whole point of all of this that I am doing I hope to showcase the Congress on the Senate the importance of the tarika

And I hope to showcase my teacher's blessing and what it means for a student to be initiated in a circle of knowledge and my teacher himself will explain to Congress like he has explained to Muslims in general which I have a YouTube video for.

Shadhili Way summarized by Sheikh Muhammad Abul Huda al-Yaqoubi


Once that is completed and they understand the importance tariqa hi I hope to bring the attention to the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and the hero  Ahl Al BAYT

And I also want every member of Congress and Senate to watch this video so that they understand those people who are in the tarika are truly the ones who represent Islam especially if they have a company the teacher and they have gone through the purification process of Tazkiyah / Tarbiyah

I will copy and paste some of the meanings that I was able to find on the internet that is close to describing those words inshallah 

Tazkiyah is  Arabic-Islamic term alluding to "tazkiyat al-nafs" meaning "sanctification" or purification of the self. This refers to the process of transforming the nafs from its deplorable state of self-centrality through various spiritual stages towards the level of purity and submission to the Will of  Allah, the Most High. 


Tarbiyah is an Arabic word that linguistically means: increase, nurture, rear, growth, or loftiness. Tarbiyah means the development and the training of people in various aspects. In this regard, the word tarbiyah refers to the systematic development and the training of children.

What makes a hero in Islam is a person who is in a tariqa like hero Islam 

Without a doubt I want the Congress and to send it to honor the true meaning of jihad and to join true Americans in the past who recognize true Muslims who embodied the religion of Islam and this video below truly exemplifies exactly that.

Watch "When Americans Honored an Icon of Jihad | John Kiser" on YouTube


After the case has been made that the best family of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them are the ones who inspire change or make change happen with their own hands because they never have any equals in terms of the mercy and the blessings they received from Allah and his messenger peace be upon him.

There hasn't been a time in history where Muslims of face challenges and the blessed family of the perfect Muhammad did not respond. They have responded to every challenge Muslims I've ever faced in every century either whoever is blessed is blessed through their work effort and prayers or they enact the chain themself their own hands and most of the times it's people that have inspired and blessed and made sure that they understand that all of this is through the blessing of the family of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them like I have that is doing what I'm doing.

So I would like the Congress and the Senate to create a bill and a federal land that will honor the family of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them starting in the city in which the hero of Islam is it located and I hope this federal land will be absolutely separate just like the lands that have been given to the Indians or even a better example the Independence that is enjoyed by the Vatican in terms of making this place a a home for all those Muslim scholars who are willing to stand up for the truth and not let this religion to be taken out of context because of dictators who have ulterior motives to present Islam as something evil there's nothing but a political tool.

So it's been very difficult for me since I am not a politician and I don't know how to present and make all of this happen but I'm sure you have people like shaykh Hamza Yusuf as a companion and I hope he will become just like salman al farsi who is a member of the household of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him out of his love and dedication towards the prophet's family I hope you can bring him and bored in those terms to help us accomplish in doing this.

I tried doing this by myself contacting the congresswoman who serve us in Congress both who are Muslim and Omar and rasheeda talib to initiate and do all of this but I came to the conclusion that the harvest that I have will need more hands so that this can be done and I also can focus on where I can do what no one can do in terms of technology and things that I'm familiar with. You're a person from the shadhili tariqa through your blessed teacher Shaykh Abdul Rahman Al Shaghouri may Allah have mercy on him.

My dear Imam you are well aware of the blessings and the lights that come with the tariqa in general and I hope you will accept my offer to work with me and work with all those people so you can get them on the same page to make this a reality for the Muslim who are desperately in need in this challenging time..

The misrepresentation  of Islam coming from Arab countries does not need to be the prevailing message of Islam that's being presented to the world to day. I Believe by honoring the blessed family peace be upon them by honoring the city and the great Imam with ourselves but at least building a mosque or something that can represent our appreciation the owner and the blessings we have received for the blessed family of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him would be a good start.

I hope that we can also get that federal land so we can really build the House of wisdom after of course sending out   surveyors to see if some of the lands meet the characteristics of where we can at least build something resembling the golden past of Islam because I expect to build something like this and to tell a story even if it's small but as long as it's significant and the history is acknowledged is my goal.

Let me give you an example.

Watch "Baghdad under the Abbasids // Yaqut 1000 AD // Arabic Primary Source"


I have to make this like the Muslim Renaissance just like Americans they go to this big Renaissance place and they get to honor a pass that was inspired by Islam we should have the honoring of the blessed family with them there's always blessings that no other family can match no other scholar can take a different route to reach a blessed destination it is only through them who are connected to the prophet that's not cut off that we find success.

I watched you're Moving Poem about Muhammad Ali can I call upon you and all the power you have been blessed with to get behind this project with your poetry with your relentlessness that's you put up every day to defend Islam and Muslims without making excuses you're a true hero and a true friend and I hope you will have a friend of the tarika that is in need because you have promised to always be helpful to those who are in need because you are a friend indeed for all that is good alhamdulillah.

That's all the other readers who don't know what I'm talking about please watch  Muhammad Ali and you said we need Awliya or  firends of God /Saint Hood at this time

Watch "A Humble Mountain Clip 6: Friend of God


I believe there's a lot of saints or friends of God out there and I believe through this project that I'm working on and all those who answer the call in making this dream a reality we will find them there. This project is too big for me in terms of what it means to Muslims in general and what it means to Islam in the United States I hope this will be a reset and an opportunity for Muslim scholars to find shelter and advice from the household of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them through the two grandsons of the Prophet Muhammad please be upon them who are  @shaykhalyaqoubi @ShaykhNinowy @habibomar @alhabibali @SheikhBabikir  

I want to tell the blessed family here is your city your family has represented Islam and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him where he said they will never be separate from the book has stood the test of time in terms of representing for religion or never being involved with any falsehood they have been great examples and guides the entire Uma can look at and find guidance our blessed Prophet was never cut off and you are not cut off please go into the city and give the advice to any nation of Muslims who were seeking your advice and give shelter to any Muslim scholar who is standing with the truth and his own country is misrepresenting Islam.

I would like to meet my blessed Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in the day of judgment tell him that I honored your blessed family and I honored your teachings when you said this family of mine will never be separated from the truth so stick with them and I did everything I can to present them to the world as they are because all the blessings of Islam has come through them and I did everything in my effort to honor them and honor this religion.

I hope you will do the same because we all have to face the Blessed Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and we all are going to be served through the blessed family when it comes to drinking

The river in Paradise which Allah has given to His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

A river that will be surrounded by the blessed family and they will be the ones who are giving humanity 

To those who don't know what I'm referring to.


Al-Tirmidhi (3284) narrated from Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Al-Kawthar is a river in Paradise. Its banks are made of gold and its bed is of pearls and rubies…

My dear blessed teacher and imam people are rewarded according to the intention and I make the intention that I am among the people who will be blessed to drink from this River before even blessed prophet of our time I pray that Allah accept this offer that I'm making that He blesses my teachers and all those people who choose to be part of this effort in honoring the blessed family please be upon them.

Cuz I have told you the harvest of that day in San Jose has now come to full circle and I need all the hands that can help me do what needs to be done in terms of  delegating efforts into harvesting all the blessings by asking people to play their roles in terms of what they have already done and have accomplished already.

I would like to get the same voice and the same efforts that you give in the funeral of our champion in support of this project to move hearts and minds to honor this religion and this blessed Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his family.

"A Moving Poem about Muhammad Ali by Zaid Shakir" on YouTube

So I hope you will join me because I have received a lot of silence and people have chosen to just turn their back just because I am working on something that represent Allah and his messenger and their silence or refusal or lack of effort of even just reaching out and saying thank you for asking me to do this but I'm not capable or able or willing to be part of any team that represents Allah is Messenger for whatever reason and which doesn't matter which I will accept graciously and continue looking for someone who can do the  fulfill the role of representing Allah and his messenger through the blessed family which is a 401k plan for the year after but most people don't understand.

I hope to hear from you and I hope you will not be silent leaving me in a limbo wondering what's going on

By writing this letter I can now focus and go back to where I can be productive in terms of what needs to be done which is building the Islamic blockchain and turning the House of wisdom online into something real from where it is to where it needs to be with a functioning app that will be all inclusive for any Muslim around the world. It doesn't matter where they live the moment they download this app it will be absolutely inclusive. It will do everything they need to do in one app and I actually want to show you an example.

Watch "What is Tencent? | CNBC Explains" 


I want to build something better and bigger than what 10 cent has built for the entire Islamic world I went to build it with Islamic blockchain.

You can Read All about It.

I'm following the words of my champion and I have taken a page from his work ethic. I'm determined to solve all the problems I can using my faith as a Swiss knife to deal with every problem that the world is facing. It doesn't matter if it's politics or if it's monetary policy in general.

I want to change what it means to be an independent Muslim scholar connected to artificial intelligence well Muslim scholars will never take salary from anybody they will use the system to change and it's all under the US money plan something that I hope you will check out.

Not to mention the Nobel prize of the Nobel Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him which is all in the House of wisdom.

My blessed teacher as you can see the harvest from that initiation to the shadhili tariqa is many and I would like to join other mureeds  to do the work I'm going to be looking to hosting an art gallery I have a lot of art that needs to be displayed and I need to gather talent to become the builders the art of The architects of life.

You can see some of the art over here

So I hope with your help I'm able to meet with the community display and do some fundraising and attract talent to become builders that will go on to define an entire generation. Anything you can do to help will be appreciated. Thank you for your time. May Allah Grant you a long healthy life and I hope to hear from you soon.


waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Imam Zaid Shakir

May the peace, mercy, and blessings

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