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Goodbye but it is a change that will begin a new start with new plans so everything can become a success.

 بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ


In the Name of God , Most Gracious, Most merciful 





Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wbarakatu 

To everyone around the world

May there  peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you  all People of planet Earth.


This is not a goodbye , but this is a new beginning everything Will change nothing will be the same anymore inshallah.

I will be slowing down and creating a blueprint  as to how I'm going to achieve all of the goals that I have set and I will be taking my time in going to the right places and taking the right elevator give me a plan with the blueprint that will give me the opportunity to go to the right  departments and different floors that contain different people and meeting with them and making everything come to life where it will all be a stunning success.

At the moment everything is disorganized and I feel I'm in the middle of construction of my life and I have built certain things and I have not completed other ideas so everything is incomplete and everything has to  shut down and a careful blueprint needs to be developed so that I have a  careful plan so that all the ideas  have a good opportunity to grow and become successful.

The first idea probably would be the art I expect to engage the community and make sure it becomes  a stunning success and then turn around from there and engage in other plans and begin taking the appropriate elevators meeting with different people and making sure that the rest of the ideas come to life and they all are stunning success.

Because  of the lack of  successful and my failure in meeting all my immediate needs that are not getting the appropriate attention and effort that is required of me which is completely falling apart so I will be going back to my private life for a little bit and I will be reconstructing and rebuilding a complete blueprint as to what I want to do moving forward and how I want to handle all the other projects that are all entangled that must be untangled carefully and I have to find a system to get things done and move forward.

The result I have decided to just close down all the other work that I'm doing until everything finds a clear plan so that a successful blueprint emerges that I can follow so that I'm no longer alone in the journey more people have joined and they have taken over some of the project that belongs to the blessed family peace be upon them and I have built my own blueprint and I can pursue my old projects carefully and slowly so that they can become successful as well so this is a moment of reset it's not a moment I'm saying goodbye , but rather it's a moment to make all the ideas that I've been discussing with everyone a reality.

A reality check is now due and a plan must be made whether I will be successful or not will depend on the results so I decided to stop talking and start meeting with communities and all the other people who might be interested and just take it from there and see how things are going to unfold.

I want to thank everyone for giving me the opportunity for being part of the ideas unfortunately brainstorming is always very difficult there are many moving components that seem to be impossible and there's no way anybody can see all of this coming together and becoming success which is absolutely normal.

It's not easy  say to ask yourself how can one man do all of this and become successful well I've been asking the same question now I've decided to slow everything down need a blueprint that can give me a plan to be successful with all the projects  one step at a time so that it doesn't feel overwhelming and it doesn't feel like I'm doing construction I'm planning at the same time without the blueprint.

Make it very clear this is Not a goodbye it's a moment for me to take a vacation create a blueprint and make a plan and make my path forward hopefully everything else will work out.

The adult section of the comic book has been completed , but I'm just going to leave it and not publish it those parties are interested can contact me directly I don't feel it's artistic enough to be shared in public,  but hopefully that would also be part of the plan where it is completed and available for purchasing on Amazon because I don't think I have all the technological capabilities with just a Google blog to give me the opportunity to have an open internet where ideas are shared between people and success is just part of the program.

I do feel tech companies have stifled innovation and the imprisoned anyone who's creative and the undermined anything that would make the internet and the country successful. If the internet was truly open and ideas were being shared freely then I would have been the first one to be successful a long time ago.

I'm determined not to leave the same internet or tech companies to be in charge for future generations when they come. How information flows will change if the that's my only legacy then that's exactly what I'm going to accomplish.

Technology Titans  cannot be the overlord of stifling innovation and imprisoning creative people so that their work never goes anywhere and they don't know how their work is being distributed basically they don't have any information or data or report coming back to them how are they doing with their creative work or  how are people engaging with the creative work basically I am homeless on the internet I don't have the proper tools to gauge what I'm doing and how people are reviewing my work I'm just completely blind and in prison with a big tech company , but at least Google has given me the opportunity to have something on the Internet that is not part of the filth and the floodgates of other tech companies such as Facebook.

Anyway I hope to bring change I hope to build one world one page into a powerhouse that will challenge tech companies and will change how information flows that's what this is about and it's also about supporting prohet Muhammad peace be upon him and his family to make sure they are major stake  holders of all the ideas and they are the board of directors so that they can take the gifts and go on to make the world a better place.

I  have other plans that are creative in the political world. I personally think creatively I can engage in but I'm going to be stepping back from all of that due to the fact that it is way over my head and I have to have enough wealth to protect myself from corruption. Engaging with people who have unlimited wealth and have their own agendas has a way of corrupting individuals especially someone like me who is still having problems just paying his regular bills hopefully that will change ,but as long as I am not wealthy enough to defend myself from corruption of any kind I don't think it's appropriate for me to be engaging and subject of politics until I am self-sufficient and I will not be a sellout and be  among those who undermine the truth which has been the sad story for all those people who have great ideas to bring change to the world only to be met people who give them a blank paycheck and tell them undermine the truth and forget about your plans.

So I have a lot of plans and ideas and I feel like I'm in the middle of construction in many things that could benefit the world and myself unfortunately I don't have the proper blueprint and regards to making sure that all my plans not only come alive, but they all become successful.

Getting a blueprint requires time to think and space away from regular activities I think Twitter is a distraction , but it has given me the opportunity to contact world leaders to notify them that all my plans are going to be happening at the same time and also I will be meeting with them because I expect to get on a plane and fly I speak to people face to face and begin to construct a blueprint that will make this all that reality.

How many people who have chosen to sit on the sidelines either by just watching me and laughing and thinking that no successes ahead I tell them by the time I get there I will make sure that all doors of communication and opportunities of being part of the plan will be closed off to you. Most of those people are well  aware that they have all the tools that I need to make my plans a reality some of the plans are in their interest and other plans is not in the interest , but because I am black and I am not wealthy enough to fund my ideas they're sitting on the sidelines thinking I'm going to run out of gas and everything is just going to fall apart because there's no way all this ideas can come together in one man and all of it can become successful.

Well my news to those people is that I will be successful all the ideas I put forward wouldn't be successful overnight i just need to take a few flights meet with different people and make sure that I borrow the right amount of funds to get things done without being Tangled in any political aspirations that could endanger any interest of any country , but I can build on one world one page to becoming a powerhouse that replaces big tech companies in the Islamic world.

The United States of America has chosen to laugh in my face and laugh at all my projects and I have felt the presence of their intelligence apparatus in my daily life and I have felt that they have chosen to do whatever they can to undermine anything I do I know by not supporting it or just sitting on the sideline laughing wondering how God will bring all of this together.

I was always remember this moment a superpower like the US chosen to laugh in my face wondering how all of this was actually going to be successful.

 I promise you I will have the last laughter Islamic world takes the prohet   of Islam very seriously there's no limit to the amount of money I will get from the Islamic world to fund all the projects. It is not appropriate to laugh at Islam and the messenger of God and Muslims in general thinking that all my plans will just be a failure Islam and Muslims will not fail and I will not get the funds I need to do what needs to be done.

I am seriously warning  those people who think that this is not going to be a success and I am not going to have the funds I need to do what needs to be done I promise a lot of people are going to be sitting across the table for me while God will bless me with all the power I need and I will remind them was I not in your country and did you do anything to facilitate the success when I needed  you when I needed it and your answer will be we did nothing to support you or to even acknowledge any of your creative work as a matter of fact we did the opposite and we did our best to look for every opportunity to make you stumble and fall so that any of your plans can have hole in the  construction plans so  that we can sabotage you and you can  fall right into the middle of all this construction and you're never successful.

In conclusion I've decided to pause all my activities and create a careful blueprint that I can follow to make sure success is part of the program and I am not just continuously constructing new ideas on top of a weak foundation that is not financially stable to  support anything.

It's very pathetic that I'm worried about finances after all my contributions that have been made that should have been very apparent to the world those people who did not participate in facilitating any of the ideas and waited for me to create a blueprint to be successful will not be easily welcomed because nobody stopped anyone from donating and being part of this program the door was open to everyone , but everyone chose to sit back and watch and now everybody's will be a spectator I promise the owner of the universe has all the power to make me successful single-handedly without any contribution from anyone everything will just  become successful instantly and  my angelic mission  I have a will have a unique vantage point and God will bless me with all the power and the wealth I need to get things done.

To those who think the prophet Muhammad's family will fail and I will fail and everything is destined to failure just remember Islam was considered a religion that was not going anywhere and was going to be stuck in the Arabian peninsula and the history books have shown that those people who thought were dead wrong.

I Pray to Allah  subhana watala to grant  victory to me over my own self and all the selfishness that's residing within me to become selfless and to make all my projects angelic in nature and to accept my dedication and my life and everything I do until I come back to the owner of the universe.

I thank  all those people who have prayed for me and have shown me love and have given me the opportunity to be successful so that my confidence is standing on at least some kind of foundation from the wall that hangs my paintings to all the love that I've received and all the Care that has been given to me to and  all those people who wish not to be named I think you all and I pray to Allah blesses you all for your efforts and I hope that I'm able to take this break to construct the blueprints I need to to do what needs to be done hopefully the construction will begin after the blueprint is carefully constructed in my head and I begin to fly around and meet the appropriate people so that this beautiful work can be a stunning success.

Do admit that my lack of having enough funds are well to hire engineers to make the startup successful has been a big problem in regards to just getting things done. I believe it's been a blessing because it has given me the opportunity to explore all the different parts of my ideas building them without any solid foundation and creating a road map what do I need to do for the rest of my life which is priceless.

I think Allah  subhana watala for giving me the opportunity to do everything I needed to do to try out all my experiments without sticking my hand out to anyone Alhamdulillah I can never be grateful for such an opportunity and I think I have reached the point where all the planning and the exploration of all the ideas is now concluded.

I'm pulling out to raise the appropriate funds and to make it crystal clear to those people who wish to participate this is your time to participate financially the best thing about participating financially with the system up set up I will get to see your name and donations or gifts as they like to call them but please be warned that I will do my best with my limited resource to conduct common sense investigation to make sure that the funds are not tainted and your intentions are not in Tangled with anything that could sabotage the successful planning of creating the blueprint and executions of all the ideas that have been experimenting and exploring.

If you have agreed or think that you are part of this blueprint please feel free to gift / donate because I need the money to construct the ideas and blueprints especially if it has something to do with you and you are in agreement in some of this ideas that I explored please make sure that your name and everything is mentioned so I can review your gifts I choose to take them I will make sure I send you an email and we can begin discussion in regards to how we can implement those plans as long as they're angelic in nature I will have no problem in engaging you to make this world a better place.

So this is an opportunity first and foremost for all the viewers and Muslims those who only have 10 bucks or whatever you can give me a gift that I will do whatever I want with it without any accountability.

The same goes for everyone else this is a gift I'm giving you an opportunity to make a gift to me and I will use that gift to fund any project I see fit especially the the art project of producing as many art as possible and they're flying over the world and presenting them to Muslim scholars and governments that's probably my first time option executing that plan because I want to actually deliver the gifts so give me the gifts so I can use the funds to create the gifts and deliver them personally and be an inspiration instead of a person who explores ideas on the internet that never come true which is my worst nightmare.

Please click on that three lines.

As you click on that you will get that donation or I call it the gift button and you will be able to select an amount.

You  have the opportunity to give a gift of $25 all the way to a million dollars there's no limit to the number of amount you can give and how many times you can give give as much as you want and as many times as you want give every day and every night there's no limit to the amount you can give.

With that I want to thank you for listening to me and giving me the space and time to explore all the ideas without worrying about money which is probably the biggest secret to success that I have learned. Money is a very evil thing that is the source of corruption and it's the downfall of many people because you undermine the truth and you sell yourself or a few dollars that is what happened to people who are in the history books were known as losers I pray to Allah I'm not among them and this gives me the opportunity to be financially secure without going to anyone and asking them for anything because when you are independent and financially secure you can give them money and tell them you're economy is suffering and your people need the money so just keep it let's have an open and Frank discussion about problems and solutions and  let us  not talk about money that would be the greatest gift that I can get from people by those people especially who have been blessed to be independent and self-sufficient with a blessing of Allah.

I really cannot underestimate  this a person who's independent and self-sufficient does not need anyone they're the ones who are giving the gifts and the other ones who are setting the agenda in regards to how things are going to transpire at  the moment I'm the one who's taking his hand out begging people then the whole equation changes I put myself in a position of compromise and my angelic mission in nature is compromised which is not good for me or anyone.

I want to thank all those people who have visited the blog who have read my tweets who understand something special might happen , but I need the funds to do them or at least explore them that I can create a blueprint for all the ideas that I have and I can go in stages so that everything I'm doing can become successful because I've created a plan with a blueprint and my construction of all the areas that I'm trying to pursue is built on a good foundation because I have taking advice from all people who are professional in their field how I can carefully build my blueprint so that this is a success and not a stunning failure.

That is my plan hopefully it will transpire as I see it and I will always be a free independent person from any government of any kind starting with the United States government who have shown their hands in ways that they respect the rule of law which I appreciate , but they have done nothing to be part of the blueprint so when the door is shut on their face and they're sitting on the other side and my Lord has blessed me with all the power I shouldn't be getting any complaints because either way I'm going to be successful and I am determined to be successful and this is probably the last opportunity that they're going to have to even get the opportunity to engage in any real conversation because I plan on getting on a plane and going back home as soon as possible and  being an American citizen who has not committed any crimes I will make sure my senators and Congressional powers do know about my plans of making sure that I go unharassed I don't appreciate everything else that's been going on. I do say that I think all those people who understand that I'm a very serious person and what I'm saying will come to fruition and now the joke is going to be on those people was sitting around sidelines and said nothing and did nothing I promise you will be sitting across the table from me and you will be lamenting your opportunities of not being part of the solution.

This is about being part of the solution and this is a message to everyone. We all have an opportunity to be part of a solution and fortunately or unfortunately sometimes the solution starts with money at the end of the day even governments have to collect taxes and have to use those funds to pay for the fire department, the police department and even lawmakers / President they all get funds to do what they need to do to do their work of the people.

I believe I'm like a country and a city put together and I need all the funds I can get my hands on because I would never sacrifice my Independence in doing whatever I want and saying whatever I want and  going whatever I want at any moment in time in any direction without seeking permission from no one. I am a black man who's determined to be free my father was born free and I will maintain my Independence and how I choose to engage in people in the world stage that Independence will never be questioned by anyone because I never needed anyone and I am never going to need anyone my Lord has made me self-sufficient in all my plans and I will be successful now immediately as I take maybe a year delivering gifts and speaking to people and drinking coffee and I will wrap all this up by the end of the year.

Fortunately this also could   be a very slow climb where I have to sell the art one by one meet with my community begin to secure money to buy the land for the House of wisdom and then break construction on that and then come back do more fundraising look for political opportunities to help the community build those ideas that I talked about in regards to protecting family values.

So there's a lot of blueprint that needs to be created in my part and there's a lot of consultation that needs to happen from the family of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon them  to all those people who are going to be giving me gifts and are in agreement with some of my creative plans that they would like to see come to fruition.

With all that said I give the opportunity for people who are in agreement to give me the gifts I need. Unfortunately I live in a corporate Titan world where everything is closed off to me starting with Twitter I can't see how many people have seen what I was doing and how many people are in agreement or disagreement in regards to what I'm doing or if they have any feedback because everything is so public and there's nothing private about anything so there's no reports I have to gauge the field of technology where I am and what's really going on.

The gifts will give me the opportunity to understand those people who support me and those people who don't support me those people who believe that I will be successful I will build a blueprint and I will take my time in doing whatever I want to do and I will maintain my freedom or I will take my last breath and die and go back to God because no one is never going to own me no one is going to tell me how to think where to go and what I need to do with my life that is out of the question I was a born a free black man and I will be like that until I die anybody who does  say or do anything that jeopardizes that will be crucified with whatever gives God gives me this is a true warning to those people who do anything to think they can make me stumble and jeopardize my freedom.

I want to  to expand on this freedom I will never work for any government including the United States of America foreign or domestic or any government abroad in any position neither shall I accept any gifts that will make me entangled in any political ideas or matters of any kind. I am going to be a creative business person I will engage in business travel the world and leave an independent blessed life and I will have the family of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him by my side as I seek to create a blueprint to make majority of the ideas that I've made a reality that they're going to be angelic in nature inshallah.

So if you have loved anything I have done and you wish to give me a gift go right ahead if you did not love anything that I did and you wish for me to be not a success then don't give me anything just remain silent and I will take it as such I do not like silence or indifference because this is sitting on the sidelines and waiting for things to pan out until they're successful which is unfortunate I say that about people either it's their position title or it's just how the whole technology structured that the most powerful people cannot even contact regular people who are doing positive things without exposing themselves or being painted in a bad light which is unacceptable.

I hope to create those proper technologies that will create the opportunities for people in power to reach out to any citizen without being exposed or being out under the apparatus of foreign countries who can snoop in and spy and take advantage of any information they can get their hands on we live in a age where people have used technology as a weapon and privacy is almost is destroyed and creativity is almost but annihilated because we don't see a lot of creative people out there doing creative things getting all the support and space they need and I am  determined to make that happen and that's probably my number one goal to leave a world that creates people have the funds and the space to be creative so  the world can be a better place.

So thank you so much and I apologize for putting you in such a tough spot weather you remain silent or you show some support it's just going to give me a good indication as to what's going on or all my work and regards to tweeting and blogging what affects that it has had and who's been watching and listening and who's interested or not interested moving forward.

This whole thing is an opportunity to make information come back to me on my own terms. I don't own all the tech companies and I don't have all the technologies to deploy so that I can get the proper feedback and see what's what and how what the data is telling me, but by doing this I'm going to actually get that because with your gifts I will get your emails and I will get how serious you are and exploring some of my ideas so I am doing reverse engineering and the entire technology that I don't have hopefully you appreciate the creative science behind this.

With that hopefully you get the picture why I'm saying goodbye I need to see who's on the sidelines and who is a serious in exploring some of the ideas I have and who's willing to be patient for me to build my blueprint and build my plan and simultaneously lunch construction and all my ideas so that they can become a reality because right now everything is built on foundation that is not strong and it does not have proper plans because I did not seek proper consultations and all the departments that I'm trying to construct so this is an opportunity for me to take time to make things right and  consult the right people go to the elevators of different countries and fly there and drink coffee and have serious conversations with world leaders especially in the Islamic world and surround myself with advisors and people who I trust so that my vision is executed in regards to making this world a better place and all my plans are in angelic in nature it does good to everyone around the world.

This is not a goodbye this is the beginning of hello and face to face meetings and drinking coffee and walking through the streets with people especially world leaders as we discussed the future of Islam and technology and the opportunity for creating space for creative people to grow which is my concern and goal if I have to summarize everything is I need people who are creative to be given all the tools and opportunities to just do that be creative make the world a better place.

A true purpose and goal in doing all of this is  to make  this world a better place. So please make sure you leave a gift and also make sure that to you inside your email and information now if your gift is very small don't worry about it. Small gifts can add up and it can give me the funds I need to create a draft lottery where I put the names in and pick one name and then send that person an email letting them know that they did win and I will be giving them the painting and giving them some FaceTime so you don't have to be rich to get that opportunity I want to be good example for success for future generations to follow which is not to worry about money but worry about the quality and quantity of what people give you.

I success is your success we need future generations to help and not have a hard time in getting funds to be creative. If someone does something creative on the internet algorithms and creative people should find them give them the money and support they need to be successful. In my case I have to work 10 times but with the blessing of God and the family of prophet Muhammad peace be upon them I was able to make it through but I'm determined to make it easier feel generations will come after me who are just creative. They make an art they do something creative to help the world immediately they get money in their bank accounts and they get space and time to make this world a better place something I wish that happened to me but did not happen and who knows maybe it will happen everything is in the hands of God.

However I will say that any tainted funds will be investigated and I urge people all over the world if they are interested in contributing funds please use reputable resources so that I can be very methodical in regards to making sure whatever I receive is not tainted because my religion requires me to be careful as to what gifts I choose to receive if the gifts are not tainted and they're from a reputable institution especially a government taxes that  help its citizens then I would consider that reputable and not tainted.

Borrowing from people who are collecting taxes will give me the opportunity to pay them back because I don't want anybody to say that I owe them anything Elon musk was able to pay back on his loans I intend to do that unless I die or something happens that is out of my control then I will not be able to repay anything but I have every intention of repaying any gifts from anyone around the world.

I'm not very good at this so I will just have to do  consultation and and then I will deal with the rest later if I had the funds I would have hired people to make sure they follow certain procedures of the consulting with them what is the best way to make sure whatever funds I receive is good enough to be the seeds that I'm planting and my launching pad into the world because I want to make it as pure as possible as I begin this journey for real and I get out of the where things are just ideas.

My experimentation and thought process in regards to what I'm going to do have been explored and completed now I want to move on to the next stage and actually planning and executing all my ideas so that they can become a reality whether that will happen or not will depend on you and your gifts so thank you so much for being on this journey I hope to see you out there on the road so that everything can work out I leave everything hands owner of the universe the one who owns it all because I got depressed last night and I wanted to wait out to have everything work out to become a stunning success and this is the blessing answer I got as to what I need to do which I really love I hope everything will work out and I will be among those who contributed positively and all my plans that are angelic came to fruition which is my goal do as much good as you can to the people of this world and leave them in a better spot then  you found them.

Thank you for reading this and please don't forget to give me those gifts. I need them to fund all the projects and also to use it as a seed that I need to plant by using the gift you give me to make all my plans come true and also to use it as a launching pad. I have tried using  those fundraising campaigns but I found out that they're much more interested in giving you a shakedown and questioning you telling you what you're going to do with the money and just putting you through a horrible investigation which is a nightmare.

So I don't intend to do any fundraising with anyone because I'm not going to explain what I'm going to do with the gifts I've already put enough work on the table and I'll explain enough that a blueprint is going to be built and I'm going to be producing more art and giving it to world leaders those who choose to make a gift because I think some of the world leaders are not interested in any of my plans and they have their own plans which I just choose to respect. So the gifts will give me an opportunity to gauge that's who are interested and those who are not interested. Those people who I give gifts to if you don't give any gifts I will take it as a clear sign that I need to remove you from my gift list because you are literally not interested and I choose to respect your message.

Those world leaders who choose to give gifts I will take a note and say you are interested in my plans and I will be giving you some paintings and we will have discussions about the future even if I didn't give you any gifts on Twitter that should not stop you from making small gifts because the gifts that are token of communication of telling me I would like to meet with you please bring the paintings let's have a general discussion and come to my own country which I plan to do.

This is a very polite way of distinguishing between people who are interested and people who are not interested. I am not interested in meeting or being in conversation with people who are not interested. And I believe there are people who are not interested and whether I get a gift from them or not, that will communicate who I need to leave out on my gifts and tweets moving forward and just put a permanent  ban and excommunicate them forever.

To be honest I got depressed last night wondering how all of this was ever going to come together when I woke up this morning my heart was full of just regret knowing that everything I've done now has come to an end and I don't know if I'm ever going to find a way out. By the time I was done with this letter I had so much inspiration and support from places I can't explain I am pretty much victorious as I beginning to write this I think Allah who I have falling Prostration with tears falling out of my eyes when I see all of this information coming together as I write it because I know this is Victor Alhamdulillah.

I want to conclude reminding everyone the owner of the universe is with you unfortunately our small brains are always trying to comprehend everything how things are going to make sense and how life is going to go and how everything is just going to and then how success is going to come and go is what is really occupying us and I find myself in the same boat.

I hope reading this give you an opportunity to reflect and to be grateful that the owner of the universe is with you and you will find solutions to all your problems and you will be blessed regardless what happens to me moving forward the weather all this is a success or not everything it comes back to God for the final decisions and I'm very happy to be where I am and to be saying what I'm saying to you because we both know this is the beginning of a new chapter for my life and hopefully it will be for yours too.

thank you so much I pray that you are blessed I pray that good openings happen to you and the end of your life is the best of your life or you and all your loved ones because to go into eternity prepared with prayers and kindness is the best plan.

It is said that when people pass to the next world all the technology God designed to hide all the hidden world is removed regardless whether they're a believer or not this is why when the person is about to die the angels make their presence felt and that person was about to pass is allowed to now begin to witness from him or her which is exactly what will happen to everyone on this planet.

You think you know that you have no idea but everybody I can promise you is being recorded and your actions are being preserved and I can promise you they will be presented before you in the world you can't even imagine that's going to be turned upside down and everybody will be paid in full did what they have done especially those God chose to take away everything from them by giving them and I pray I'm not among those because that's what's about to happen.

I want to end with a famous quote how many people has the owner in the universe given only for them to be destroyed and how many people as the owner of the universe taking away from them and in that taking from them whether it's wealth, health, opportunities, misfortune visiting them, they have found themselves closer to God praying and preparing for better days ahead that is eternity.

In other words God can give you and by giving you he can be taking away everything and pushing you away and God can take away things from you and in that taking there's so much giving and those words are words people should deeply reflect on it is words that I've learned from my blessed teacher and the blessed family peace be upon them.

Thank you for reading I pray you all blessed and I pray all my angelic plans to come true on this Earth and I'm blessed to have a opportunity to get the space and time to develop my blueprint and to meet with people who are interested through their gifts and those who choose not to give me gifts I promise I will ask communicate you and just leave you alone then you can come when all the success has already happened you'll be late to the party but at least it will be a party and will be a guest I'll make sure you sit in the corner and wait as I deal with all those people who chose to give me their gifts and welcome me when I have nothing and you're coming with your gifts when it's already a success in the party's full I don't be one of those people okay and don't blame me for choosing whoever I please and the accepting whatever gift I please someone can give me a dollar and they could be the best person someone can give me a million and I could ignore them if I please because I know Victor is in the hand of God and nobody else will believe that thank you and those who don't I wish you all the best I'll be praying for everyone thank you goodbye God bless everyone on this planet.


waalaikumsalamwarahmatullahi wabarakatuh

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you  al my dear blessed brother and sister People of planet Earth.


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In 2018 we're going to do something very different right from the get-go. As a superhero I expect to set the tone and be an example for young people around the globe as to how we can take on challenges and bring peace and prosperity in their own country. If you have read my happy holidays you clearly figured out that everything I did mostly was a big prank 2 launch my brand to change the world and to just go from there without any direction but somehow I expect to get to my destination and move on with my life. 2017 was a very tough time for all of us in this country. Fortunately if 2018 starts just right then all should fall into place and we can forget the past hold hands moving to the future together as one family because we only have one voice when President and one country. We don't have a choice in this matter we have to find a way to get up and just move on with our lives and adjust to the new reality that technology has adjusted the way we communicate and th...

*The Walter Cronkite News System

  In the Name of God , Most Gracious, Most merciful The system was developed by a human being with the assistance of artificial intelligence known as Google Bard. We are moving towards a future where artificial intelligence will run everything from A to Z. Therefore, we must be prepared for this future and we must separate humans from artificial intelligence so that people always have a choice in terms of the news in general, how it is summarized, how it is rated, and how it is presented. The AI is able to watch the news and follow the system that I helped develop, which is known as the Walter Cronkite system. It is based on the following: Accuracy:The news must be accurate and factual. Objectivity:The news must be presented without bias. Fairness: The news must give equal weight to all sides of an issue. Clarity: The news must be presented in a clear and understandable way. Engagement:The news must be engaging and interesting to watch or read. The Walter Cronkite News System is a ...

Page One welcome the hero is born

Welcome to Omar Arizona. Welcome and thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit my site. It's amazing how the Lord blesses you if you engage in helping other people and you forget about yourself. I saw an amazing story that had to do with the love and I could not sleep all night. I decided to do what I usually do which is go about my creative process and  bring changes to the world that would last a life time. I'm going to introduce you to the world of links. Meaning I'm just going to tell you to click on that link so that you can update yourself on the events without starting over and wasting time. The love story of this two beautiful people inspired me to bring change in the world of domestic violence. I made a vow that I would protect women by utilizing my creativity in a way that is unparalleled or unimaginable by the common Folk. 1. Please click on the first link which is my favorite which will end domestic violence forever. Plus I h...