Open letter to the United Arab Emirates.
I start off with a prayer to the Lord ask him to bless all your work and your effort. I pray to your founder because of his vision and tenacity. There's a few leaders in this world like your founder.
yes I'm talking about the one and only.
Zayed bin Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan may the Lord bless him and protect him and increasing and forever.
I write this open letter to this specific country because I believe you are the ones who will push the world into the future. So I would like to discuss a few points with the country and every citizen within their specific country what the future will be like for the world.
I would like first to present my brand that will be utilized by the UAE to change the world.
This brand was made for the UAE in mind. I was married in the UAE and I have family in the UAE and I love the UAE and I love everything about the UAE.
So please consider this as a gift between me and the royal family to build this brand and to change the world together. This will be the face of all tourism bring people from Europe and the United States and giving celebrities power beyond imagination. You are going the prestige and the perfume you've been looking for all this time. Your destination will be the new Silk Road for pleasure and parties with the remembrance of the Lord. We're going to invite everybody around the world to fly in and we're going to really bring change that will last a lifetime in the construction and in the way human beings live their lives.
So please let's make everybody royalty we're going to start with celebrities and it will trickle down to everybody else. So please take a look at my blog for now so that we are all on the same page as to what I'm trying to do.
Please visit celebrity Motel. Com at the link below.
Please take time to look at my blog that is the brand that I will bringing with me so that everybody can feel like a celebrity and they can get points. We're going to utilize your skill set to build something that no one has ever seen before. You're going to be handling so much traffic that is why I have to begin the only to criticize but to make it clear that certain things would have to change within the country so that we can all be on the same page and move on. I have to say this in public because I don't trust myself once I fall into luxury you know how lazy people get it. But I have to warn you I do have a different personality when I am online I do not care about relationships or anything that I would lose I would tell the truth as it is even if it means the loss of my life. Just be careful with someone like me I will state the obvious no matter the case.
There's a lot to admire in the UAE and I am not going to be focusing in all of that right now I'm just going to go ahead and go into where I think needs to be changed.
I got the opportunity to spend time in both cities Dubai and Abu Dhabi. I was able to get my rental and I have a story to tell :-).
You are on The Cutting Edge when it comes to pushing civilization forward there is nobody who is more productive and determine to carve their own history and Plunge Into the Future like the people of the UAE.
So I want to bring a story to you about a billionaire since most of you are you'll be able to relate.
I worked for a billionaire and I was in charge of security because of my security background I was able to come through the doors and manage day-to-day activities.
What I noticed is the system of Contracting where the billionaire officially hired a specific company to do the job. That other company hired a second company to do another job. Within the same job that we were doing their different Contracting companies they're doing different things. I am sure you're well aware and I will give an example.
The billionaire had bought a mansion and he was going to custom-tailored to his needs. It was going to be there so it was going to be face lift or remodeling to the basement expanded put amenities that is the fitting to his lifestyle.
So we had different contractors come in because the job is different and you're trying to move at a furious pace so each person specializes in a different area. So we had contractors who came in they would do the doors. Some of them specialized in putting cement on. We had computer experts she would come in and connect the servers because he wanted a huge server in his house.
So you can understand the Contracting became a different type of Contracting where they're Contracting each other and you get lost in the Contracting itself. The good thing is that things was done pretty fast and I could see this for myself. The only problem is that the people who are Contracting and how they are monitored was a big issue. Let's just say that we do have Mexicans who came there and they did work. Some of them I would say they were underage and I don't think the billionaire was disputed because I saw everything and i have proof with my video. I'm always prepared for war something that billionaire should understand and should contact the security team because I will destroy him if you choose to even blink my way.
The point I'm trying to make is the system of Contracting is very complex. It is very hard for the government of the UAE to keep account of every single contractor especially when everything is moving at a furious pace. Unfortunately I'm not going to sit here and deny that we don't have documentaries that are really showing us there isn't enough effort coming from the government under princess to go out there but only freed the people but to make sure unethical behaviors are not taking place. Every single complaint I have is in the documentary below I'm not going to waste my time and talking about what those issues are but the issues are very apparent. And I'm sure the public will be watching this documentary and I will be meeting with you so we can discuss what is our strategy as to how we can come back this issue of having people coming over the passports are taken and they can't leave and they have no money to go back and they're stuck in this slave system.
The UAE cannot tolerate a system that can make human being slaves and take advantage of human beings this is unacceptable at any level. So procedures have to be developed so that transparency is at the heart without blaming this complex web of Contracting. At the end of the day we will ask Auditors or reporters to come in and do private investigation and put it on Public domain to show that what we are doing is going good. If we conduct our own internal audits we can make sure everybody's treated fair and there's nobody taking advantage of anyone and everybody is paid a fair wage and everything is good. Unfortunately because the system is complex and everything is moving it up. The Speed is too fast it is easy to understand why the UAE is not on the same page. Make no mistake I will make sure that you were is on the same page when it comes to the complex system of Contracting and we will do all that it's illegal to show the world that you're not taking advantage of anybody.
Because anybody can go to YouTube and Google videos I'm just going to skip that because I think I want to minimize damage until I get my hands on the project that is own going. I was conducting my own investigation and I will show the public what was and what is and how changes have been made. So I would leave that for a makeover video in the United Arab Emirates.
I would like to turn the page on the future which is construction but also a sense of equality that needs to take place in the United Arab Emirates.
I believe greed is the evil motivator that will destroy any country. If a country does not have checks and balances on what is being done and how separation of powers are clear I believe ultimately Powers will fail because I come from a criminal justice background and I want to see people to be equal under the law.
As a result I would like to announce my plans of redesigning and imagining what criminal Corrections or the criminal justice system for the world should look like. That's what I'm going to discuss now.
The United Arab Emirates will be the first country not to take people to jail ever again. I think the jail should be eliminated and I'm going to explain what I mean by that.
There's nothing more degrading and humiliating to be taken to a jail and a mugshot to be taken and your fingerprints to be taken like we live in the Dark Ages.
If the police accuse anybody of a crime they should be able to put a bracelet on them and send them on their way period I believe to be arrested means to be put in a hotel. The Human Bean should never be put in a cage like an animal if someone has committed a crime or has been accused of a crime they should be taken to a hotel that is secured. We need to change what it means to be actually arrested and I think the United Arab Emirate will lead the way.
The fact that a Bugatti or a $500,000 car will chase you and then give you ticket I believe that's fun. So we have a lot of problems in the United States when it comes to arresting people and I think the mostly moral of the only people who can deal with this issue because they have the prophetic teaching and light and guidance from our messenger Muhammad peace be upon him.
I want to sneak in a quick story about the airport. You have to let all your people go and hire professionals. And I'm also hoping that you have people who can check passport and everything inside the big flights on people and they just go to their destination. I think you have a unique opportunity of creating an airport that can be a living breathing example of what it's like to be welcomed into our country. Right now it's a complete nightmare having your citizens work there even though you're providing jobs for them I think you're shooting yourself in the foot.
I think you need to have professionals from Civic security industry to the welcoming industry and even have a party that welcomes people and celebrities. You're going to be doing a live broadcast of celebrities coming and going and saying hello to people blah blah blah it's a very different Vision I have what you have. You have to redesign what you're considering in your airports. You've already done a good job with this stuff that does regular procedures period I'm complaining about your citizens those who bring you into the country and those who let you go when you're leaving.
Well I understand you're trying to provide them jobs they're not people who will be smiling and welcoming your guest who are the lifeblood of your business. So you have to put the right people at the door and I am sorry that I'm calling for the literally you firing the entire working class of your country but that's needs to happen so that tourists and everyone who comes to the country feel welcome at home. So I hope you take my suggestion as a suggestion so we can have a discussion because how you welcome people is more important than how they stay in the country.
People remember how they are welcomed when they came into the country and how they were given a very good send-off so that they can wait to come back. I don't think you can compromise on that and you can put your people who cannot deliver that exceptional customer service. So I really think you should think deeply about all the people that work in the airport because you have to relocate them and this is just an opinion that we can have a discussion on but I have seen it for myself I don't think it's going to work and we have to eliminate most of those people and put them somewhere else where give them money that they can start a business so they can do something.
Your people are people of business they want to be out there investing and creating and doing business and getting wealthy. I don't think your people are people who are supposed to be punching in the clock so I hope you can work on me on this one I'm sure your citizens would love to get those loans LOL and be out there like business people not punching in the clock like the rest of us.
So I would like to introduce the ghazali videos that really have inspired me to change my life and also to take my teachers practical teachings as a medicine or immune system for the human being.
I believe my project of the spiritual heart and every human being to be treated equal because they are sold and they are made more than just blood and sweat and bones. That they are part of something special that has descended from the heavens is one of my goals that I would like to preach down in the UAE.
Imam Al Ghazali : Rain Drop Academy:
I would like now to discuss your court system after all I got married there I got to see it first-hand and I was taking notes. I have to tell you that you have to replace majority of your judges with people who have the light of the Prophet peace be upon him and their hearts. What I mean by that is that they don't have any traces of arrogance and anger mixed together. This is what I experienced at the hand of some of your judges and I will not say which city LOL.
I believe the United Arab Emirates should take it very seriously that the spiritual heart is very important. If this problem is not dealt with then you're going to have your children radicalized which will be the worst investment you can make. I think you need to clean up the court system with people that have the prophetic light and mercy so that people can receive Mercy in the court system not Justice.
We as most human do not want Justice from our Lord or from people we want mercy we want forgiveness when people to overlook people's mistakes and we don't want people to be prosecuted if it's not possible. We shouldn't be putting people in jail or exposing what they have done everything should be kept hush-hush we have to have empty jails and we have to engage in building people spiritual hearts and forgiving them and loving them that is My Philosophy no more people in the jails rehabilitated. Especially if they are visitors and they're not Muslim their feet should not touch the jails in any way. You put them in the hotel if they have done something wrong and you send them on their flight and if you want you can ban them from the country but this idea people who come to the United Arab Emirates will never be spending a night in jail that is unacceptable that something I'm not going to negotiate and I feel tourist when they come over there they should feel safe they would never see a jail no matter what.
The United Arab Emirate should be the place where jails don't exist and tourists and not arrested.
It should be a place where you will receive mercy and blessings and people Overlook you and help you if your anger problems will help you if you have issues here and there and you do something naughty on the beach we're not going to be exposing that stuff I'm going to be really honest with you. We're going to be covering people's mistake we're going to leave them alone. We're going not going to be asking them about what they do in their hotel rooms and whatever they do between them and their lord. Our job is to keep privacy and keep everything hush-hush and respect everyone. If someone does something in public they will be handled privately. UAE must be the place of hush-hush and respect this is something that I think the country's brand should be built on.
I want to give you an example of the spiritual Masters who have trained people. If you could have people who have the prophetic like those people they never stop smiling and they never stop welcoming and they never stop talking to the poor or praising women and have the prophetic qualities. Unfortunately the judge was supposed to be marrying me was not only arrogant but he was like a child he stomped his feet to the ground and he stormed out like a little girl. There was a Moroccan assistant who performed my wedding so I was very proud that the lord always throws away the people who dislikes from my site instantly.
I've included pictures of my proud day that judge who's a selfie who likes to take selfies was selfish. You need to get those people out of there LOL.
So I sneaked in the story in there because I want you to read everything LOL so I will include this YouTube video so that we on the same page what is my perception on who are the spiritual Masters you need to have.
I really believe you need to invest in the spiritual master so you can have people who are find and have shining hearts. So I hope you take that seriously and you were able to implement that in your court system and in your education and in the malls around the UAE so that we can all have a bright future.
I would like now to come back to the construction period I really want to take on the challenge of building a system or not just building tall buildings but building something that no one can build because of the technological advances that has to do with the competition within the people who are building.
If your competition is developed and refined a system of building something we would make more money than anybody because we would have invented things and means of construction that no one can ever match ass.
So I want to give the country an opportunity to deeply think of what I'm saying so that we can come with inventions and patents that no one can ever overcome. Because you are in the business of building yet I'm yet to see something so amazing that no one can build. Everything you have build is beautiful but not a single thing that you have build all the countries can build so the challenge is to think deeply what can you do different on how can you push the envelope and how can you create competition within the groups that are working in the country so that we can get to this future. I'm going to give you a very good example with a video I have received from one of my friends which is the calculator words from Japan.
I hope that video gives you an opportunity to understand the competition I'm talking about. I believe the princess and the people on the citizens would have to be given an example of what it means to compete and bring about businesses so that they can be rewarded handsomely.
We have a lot of opportunity to buy start-up so that we can really shape the future the way it should be right now everything is completely wrong. So we want to see that competition in construction specifically so that we can develop something that's out of this world. I want to see the mega City not built by regular people who can build anything know they want to see a city that's built out of experimentation and Technology baked in. I want to see a building that is artificial intelligence this requires us to invent new things that people have never thought of. The idea of just building buildings is not good enough we need the future and the future is going to need Innovation and creative thinking that is out of this world and I am more than happy to embark on this desert and turn it into something that these guys have never seen before. I will save this for a different discussion I will turn the page something else
I want to talk about the future and why people have to be equal when it comes to citizenship. I have family who lives over there and all of them were born in your country and none of them can get any kind of citizenship. I understand if their security concerns when it comes to men but for women who have been there speak the language and live there all their life to be deported because they can be a stupid visa fee is absurd and ridiculous.
You have to change what it means to be a citizen so that people can apply for citizenship if they get their residency they don't get stuck in this system of paying fees just to stay in the country. You cannot treat every single person as a visitor and remind them they have to leave the country sooner or later. If that is the policy of the government was going to continue to pursue and not step into the plate into the future then we're not going to have any discussion of any time whatsoever. The country could remain as is on the government can go its way and I will go my separate way and leave you alone.
The system of what it means to be a citizen has to be not only changed but you have to give people equal opportunity to dream and hope and to be part of the national fabric. I understand they're too many Indians and you're not going to be giving them citizenship but I'm talking about the people who are sunnis and who are positive contribution in your Society especially my group that I have to speak for the somalis who are in your country and who are doing business and have major very prosperous should be giving some kind of citizenship where they can part of your future.
There's a lot of Somali women who needs citizenship and I would like to see the government issue a citizenship to all the Somali women who are born in the country and who know the country inside out. It is something that I would request from the government to issue the passwords now I know there's certain gifts that come with being a citizen that is what I'm going to talk about now how to cut that welfare off and become a real state where everybody can be part of the fabric on can hope and dream the UAE dream.
I want to talk to you about the benefits and the treatment that you have given your people over everybody else which was understandable in the beginning. But in the future that's coming that's not going to be feasible people actually have to earn everything they're given. You can give them the opportunity to get an education and make it on their own. I really believe you have already done this and I have witnessed this and my wife has been telling me all the stories about your system because she lived there all her life. And she also worked at the airport if he Etihad Airways.
So trust me I know your country like the back of my hand. So I'm going to talk about your Citizen and I'll tell you a story when I was getting married they were giving us blood test and there's always a long line as you know there's always the government bureaucracy and the United State we call this the Department of Motor Vehicle DMV it is the worst Department in the face of the Earth it is the place where you can send prisoners and it by the end if they come back it was could not commit any more crimes LOL.
The story I'm going to share with you is that while I was waiting to do my blood test a person stood up and started arguing and humiliating the staff claiming that he was a VIP and it should be treated like one. The citizenship status that you have given your people has made them very arrogant and nasty he was giving a sticker VIP and I was hoping to send him to the White House so we can have dinner with Donald Trump.
I really believe arrogance is very dangerous for a country. In the United States are against is unacceptable at any level. It doesn't matter how rich you are the society in the United State does not tolerate arrogance of any time. This is why they're the most powerful country in the world. You will find Warren Buffett going through McDonald's as a matter of fact I have a HBO documentary that I would like your citizens to watch what it takes to be great which is equal access to opportunity. If you don't give people equal access to Chase and pursuit happiness there will be no future in the UAE when the economy turns around.
So please watch this HBO documentary on Warren Buffett and you will understand that it is the people who are poor that make countries great.
A country that has poor people or normal people getting a shot at Pursuit of Happiness and bringing chains at last a lifetime is a foundation that is more powerful than anything. It is what has made America great because people dream there will be somebody that would make it somewhere. You have to open up this dream and you have to give the people of the land and opportunity to chase this dream if that means you have to kill the dream that you were creating for your people because now you are a global country. You're going to be bigger than the United States and Europe and any other country. You're going to be welcoming people from all walks of life. So it is your responsibility to think deeply what goes into your country and what dreams are being planted so that everyone can dream to be somebody.
So I went to end with dreams everything starts with dreams and ends with dreams. I would a legion half of the Prophet who is in dreams where we interact with our Prophet peace be upon him who is not only alive but always getting reports and every human being on Earth. So I really want you to consider this an opportunity for you to dream with me and the Somali Community who live there. And every other citizen who will be coming to the United Arab Emirates to change the Emirates to the global destination of living and residing as the number one address to call home.
You have to deal with this of eliminating the special procedures you have given your people where they can only buy land from specific areas and you have designated this and that all of that we have to be thrown in the trash. People are just going to be equal on your people have to earn their place now just like everybody else. If you don't work hard and you don't contribute to the country you don't belong a neighborhood. Moving forward we want to see the United Arab Emirates move to Global Powerhouse telling everybody we want you to be with us as we push the future together. We are the leaders we are the future for this planet we're going to build megastructures that you can even never dream about. So I'm looking forward to coming to United Emirates and dreaming up projects and ideas that will inflame the mind and hearts of people Beyond imagination. When tourism is great , but I think you need people to call it home and innovate.
Please accept this humble letter of mine as I begin to change the world forever. I believe you're going to be a pillar that I'm going to need to make my dreams a reality I hope to meet with you and develop a close relationship that will last forever. Please disregard any other letters I'm sending to your neighbors because they have their own challenges and ideas of what they need to do. You are your own sovereign country doing your own business so I hope to meet with you sooner or later we can discuss the future and how we can all grow as a family and make it happen.
I would end with a simple statement which is let's take a step forward into the future which is unknown we might fall into the darkness but we will fight our way into a brighter future together the UAE is a place where the dreams come true so people should come and see thank you for listening may God bless the UAE.